The Movie Forrest Gump

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“Life is a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna to get.” The movie Forrest Gump is full of wisdom when it comes to life and this is a perfect example. You can wish for many things in your life, and even plan for them, but you must always be prepared to deal with the unexpected. As I write this paper, I think about how I want my life to look in the future, and I hope it ends up like I imagine, but the probability of that happening is very slim. That being said, here are seven things that I wish for in my future. I have ordered them from least important, to the most important. Money security is very ideal for me in the future. I don’t care to be rich per say, but it would be relaxing to know that I don’t have to live paycheck
This would give me the money security and beautiful house that I had already discussed, but more importantly it is also a job that would give me great satisfaction that I can help people. I have a passion to help those in need and this job fits that description very well. Being a doctor, I could go to work everyday, and talk to my patients while helping them become healthy again. I would be able to go home every night happy with what I was doing because I knew I tried my best and did something good for someone else. It is a very demanding job, but I think that’s what I love about it. I love being relied on and my patients would look up to me and value my
Friends are very important because true friends will always tell you the truth and do anything for you. Obviously you will go through hard times sometime in your life, and having someone who is there for you and completely understands you is essential to get through them. I not only want good friends for the hard times, but also the good. I would love to be able to celebrate my accomplishments with friends who truly care. I want to be able to call someone and go out to a nice lunch, or go shopping without having to seem like a bother. True friends are hard to come by, and I would happy with just one. The next thing I ask for is a good marriage. I want a husband I can come home to after a long day of work and complain about it all and he just listens. My husband would have to treat me with respect. I don’t need someone who spoils me or does everything for me because I like an equal relationship. I want to do nice things for him and have him return the favor. I would hope that he would be very supportive of my career and understand the sacrifices of being a doctor. I would hope that I wouldn’t let my career overrun my family though, and I would want to make sure he knew that he always came

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