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Analytical movie essays papers
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1) Explain what you know about the main characters' homes (for at least two main characters), and what evidence the movie provided on this subject. For each of the things you list about the homes, identify whether you were told/shown this, or whether you had to infer it from other details.
A= Stanley Yelnats and Zero or Hector Zeroni were the main two characters. Stanley lived with his parents that always had shoes all over their house because they were trying to invent a way to make them small new again. Zero didn't really have a home he just lived wherever he could.
2) Describe the journey taken by the main characters--how and where did it begin, progress, and end?
A= It started when a pair of stolen famous shoes landed on stanley's head. stanley was arrested and sent to a camp where he would dig holes every day. After he was at the camp for a little while a kid named zero
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What archetype did each main character represent?
A=Stanley Yelnats,X-Ray,Squid,Magnet,Armpit,and zero
5) List and briefly explain at least six problems or events in the movie. What archetype did each event represent?
They had to dig holes, they didn't have much water, zero could not read, they were treated poorly, stanley and zero almost died in the desert, it was really hot.
6) What role did God, a greater power, or the gods, play in the movie? What were the main characters' attitudes toward God, a greater power, or the gods?
They never really talked about god except for when the mountain they called god's thumb
7) What other movies, books or real-life events did this movie remind you of, and why?
The longest yard because it was in a prison place too
8) Evaluate the movie--what, specifically, did you think was good and/or bad about it?
It had a good ending
9) What advice about life, message or theme can you get from this movie?
Hard work builds
Describe the conditions in the New York City streets that Fievel wanders. There were typically six main problems that people living in the city faced. Name those six problems, the solutions and give 6 examples from the movie of a problem and/or a solution? (20 pts) This should be a minimum of three
One major one that sticks out is discrimination. That was by far the most influential social problem in the movie. Everything revolved around discrimination in the movie. Not only was the main character a minority, due to his skin color, he was also mentally disabled. The opening scene is of him walking down the street in his down, and everyone veers away from him with looks of disgust. He never harmed anyone, ever, but people saw him as different, and therefore threatening. Also, later on in the movie, Radio was discriminated against by a new, local cop. It was Christmas time in the movie, and Radio had received many, many gifts from townspeople. He had decided that he didn 't need all of them, so he had loaded up a shopping cart, and was hand-delivering them to everyones porch step. The cop drove by, and noticed this ‘suspicious
...le, abuse, pregnancy, money, accusations, sex, love, relationships, death, family and disagreements. These issues can be supported by scenes from the film but we could fail to appreciate the rest of this document. These statements are easily supported when viewing the film.
The first topic covered will be the plot which was mostly accurate despite the shortened aspects of the film. The
The chapter started by an overview of the short story and the film adaptation that I deal with, concerning the main theme,
c) Is stereotyping a basis for any conflict incidents shown in the film? Note some
I think all of these topics relate to the movie in many different ways. Most of my research backed my claims and opinions I had in this time period. One thing I did not know was that movies could be recorded that clear in 1968. I think this movie brings a bunch of problems to light. One example is Harry, he is cowardly and is despised by even his own wife. He bullies other people like Tom or Helen into agreeing with him. Once he is challenged by Ben, chaos ensues. They both cannot get along and I think that applies to society today. This movie also makes the lead role an African American Male. This was an unordinary thing to do in 1968 because racism was still a big problem. Today we are also dealing with racial inequality throughout the world. These were just two examples, I’m sure there are many more relatable things from “Night of the Living Dead” and 2017. In conclusion, I think this essay broadened my ideas while solidifying them with this time
Identify two themes of the movie and link them to particular parts of the movie
Essay #2- “Think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold…that would have never bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.” Using this quote from the novel, describe a chain of events in the novel and the results.
1.In the first eleven (11)paragraphs, what do we learn about the A) location B) the participants and C)the conflict in the story?
Their similarities helps them understand each other; through their experiences. For one, they are both outcasted socially. Stanley has no friends and always bullied, by Derrick Dune in school, and by X-Ray and his gang in Camp Green Lake. Speaking of Camp Green Lake, both have nicknames given by X-Ray and the two are just children. Similarly, Zero and Stanley were unlucky at some point. Stanley bears his family curse of luck, while Zero lost his mother and is homeless. Zero and Stanley are misunderstood. For example, Stanley was accused for stealing Clyde Livingston’s shoes; and Zero being assumed to be dumb. Finally, to end in a happy note, Stanley and Zero are rich at the end of the
Zero was known throughout the movie to be one of the fastest and most productive diggers in the entire camp. During the span of the entire movie he is constantly told that he is a waste of life but was made to dig holes, or that he was only made for one purpose and that was to dig holes. I think Zero believed it through the whole movie because once you’ve been told something long enough you start to believe it.
Provide a paragraph ONLY summarizing your understanding of the film. In this summary, address the main theme or idea of the film as well as any underlying themes that are conveyed during the production. In other words, what primary message was conveyed to the audience IN YOUR OWN WORDS via the production of this film? (Note – I have seen all of these films – thus, this section should be one paragraph only – the majority of your critique should include your responses to Items 3 & 4).
Determine all of the story's conflicts. Determine the major conflict and state this in terms of protagonist versus antagonist.