The Mother Narrated In Alice Walker's Everyday Use

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If there was ever the perfect example of a short story about a person with good intentions that was wrong about what the right intentions were, “Everyday Use” would be that story. While a girl transitioning into a woman believes she is getting more in touch with her roots, the truth is that she could not be further from them. In the nineteen twenties, it was common for many families of former slaves to try to become more like their ancestors and that is exactly what the character, Dee, wants to do in this story. Although Dee believes she would be making her ancestors proud, the reader is lead to believe that her ancestors could not be more disappointed if they saw her. The story begins by giving the reader a good idea of the time the story is set in and the people the story is about. The mother …show more content…

Dee starts by taking an old churner that has been in the family for years. While the mother seems to hope that is the end of Dee’s selfish nature, she alludes to the fact that it is not. Dee next attempts to take what the reader can tell is one of the mother’s most prized possessions. This possession is a hand quilted quilt, made by the grandmother, that the mother has cherished for many years and intended to pass down to her youngest daughter who would cherish the quilt just the same as she has. While Dee saw the blanket as a piece of wall décor that could help prove her heritage, Maggie saw the quilt for the labor of love that was put into it. Maggie would use the quilt to its fullest purpose and not feel the need to display it to prove to everyone else who she was because she knew who she was. Maggie could see what Dee could not and that is the people behind the quilt. This is why the mother wanted Maggie to have the quilt, stood up for herself, took the quilt from Dee, and immediately gave the meaningful blanket to Maggie, the quilt’s new rightful

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