The Metropolis And The Mental Life By Georg Simmel Summary

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The burdensome excellence of living in a city: A review of Georg Simmel’s “The Metropolis and the Mental Life” In the “Metropolis and the Mental Life”, Georg Simmel aims to explicate the confines and conventions of modern life. Simmel accomplishes this as he compares modern life in a metropolis with that of the countryside, noting the behaviours and characteristics of people in response to external factors. Simmel explains this by explicitly detailing how social structures affect certain personal connections. Several prominent themes of urban living are investigated and considered by Simmel in his article, the main points, harshness of the metropolis, modernity and subjective and objective cultures, are discussed in this essay. Harshness of the metropolis Simmel starts “Metropolis and the Mental Life” …show more content…

Even in the first sentence Simmel takes note of our greatest problem as individuals to illuminate and cultivate our personalities: ‘The deepest problems of modern life flow from the attempt of the individual to maintain the independence and individuality of his existence against the sovereign powers of society, against the weight of historical heritage and the external culture and technique of life.’ Simmel’s argumentation here is supported by Michael and Deena Weinstein, co-authors of the book ‘Postmodern(ised) Simmel.’ They offer the supportive argument that one’s mental imagination of the metropolis is a device adopted by people to maintain their identity. They write: ‘The mental life of the metropolis is a series of compensations for the inadequacy of the objective culture to the individuals subjective demand for an integral personality.’ Thus, adopting traits like carelessness and disregard, rationality and skepticism are methods in which ones uses to embrace one’s individualism, detaching themselves from others in an ever-increasing objective culture found in a

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