Examples Of Dehumanization In Metropolis

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Metropolis and Nineteen Eighty-Four shows dehumanization as a product of the progress of a society, both technologically and socially. The significance of these two texts is that they serve as a didactic warning for the future, hence are immensely reflective of the rising issues of the day. Hence, elements of dehumanization originate from the respective contexts of each text. Fritz Lang constructed Metropolis with the influence of the advancing military technology in WWI. During the plight of the war, the advantage of having powerful weaponry quickly boomeranged on the battleground when both sides had equally as lethal artillery. Causing more deaths that the Black plague, the promise and faith in new technology quickly spiraled. Lang represents this through the dehumanising effect of …show more content…

In other words, this degradation of language and restriction of human expression is to assure the Party’s absolute power. Newspeak satirizes Stalin’s attempt of imposing equality and justice however only invoking fear in Russia. This integration of ideas of Stalinism government acts as a warning for the future. Lang also assimilates the double edged sword of oppression in Metropolis’ stratified society whereby the distinct segregation between the upper and lower city confines people to where ‘they belong’ as quoted by Frederson, a powerful totalitarian ruler. The assurance of power via the exploitation of people is again explored and further reinforces how progress of technology, impacting political ideology, can severely damage human individualism. Therefore, progress socially – social effect of the Stalin regime and technologically – military advancements are embodied within Nineteen-Eighty Four and Metropolis respectively, highlighting dehumanization due to the impact of which on ruling powers in the

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