The Medieval Machine by Jean Gimpel

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The Medieval Machine by Jean Gimpel, shows information about the technological accomplishments of the middle Ages. The basic idea is that during the two centuries from around 1050 Western Europe went through a kind of industrial revolution that was just as important as of the nineteenth century’s. In his book Jean Gimpel goes over medieval primary industry, which includes energy sources like the creation of mills that were moved by wind power or by water. In these cases, the turning of the wheels were used to drive the shafts that were connected to the gears used to operate the entire machinery. The agriculture revolution includes the creation of the plow. The plow was considered to be very important. It had existed before this time but was later improved. This new and improved version was able to plow through wetter and heavier soil. This change the way farmers cultivated their lands, before they were using a 2-field rotation but after the new plow was introduced they switch to the 3-field rotation. The horse harness is also part of the agriculture revolution, anci...

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