The Media's Influence On Rape Culture

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The Media
The media is a very influential part of society that is everywhere. This powerful form of control is contributing to rape culture and violence against women through the images and messages it presents. "Evidence has accumulated that adolescents’ exposure to sexual media content is related to a variety of gender stereotypes and sexual beliefs." (Peter & Valkenburg, 2007, p. 381)
The media teaches girls from a very young age that their bodies and what they look like are the most important part of them. This is also problematic to boys, since it sexualizes women and displays them as props, rather than intellectual, equal individuals. “Exposure to sexual media content may boost adolescents’ beliefs that women are sex objects.” (Peter …show more content…

(p. 383)
Women and girls are sexualized in the media through the use of their bodies to sell products, which results in a horrible effect on their self esteem as they are seeing photoshopped images which are unrealistic goals to achieve.
Not only does this create low self esteem, but it is a contributing factor to much bigger issues present in our society. This could include eating disorders, depression, suicide, and further promote rape culture. “As concerns about body image and eating disorder behaviors among young women have increased in recent years, researchers have begun to examine the thinner standard of beauty portrayed in the media as an influential factor.” (Kim & Lennon, 2007, p. 4) By continuously seeing only “thin and beautiful models in advertisements,” (Kim & Lennon, 2007, p. 4) many women start to believe that this is the ideal body to have, although the images we see are often altered and unrealistic. It “creates self-doubt and dissatisfaction among many young women concerning their bodies and faces and can undermine their self-confidence. As a result, they may indulge in unhealthy eating practices that are associated with eating disorders.” (Kim & Lennon, 2007, p. 4) Women are also often underrepresented and this further deepens the patriarchy in …show more content…

Through education, feminism, and awareness, we could see many changes in many different parts of our society.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and Educational Settings (2006) offers many recommendations to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Some examples of these suggestions include ensuring that every complaint is taken seriously and followed up, encouraging those in a power of position to be a positive role model, implementing education to avoid such behaviour, and having a written procedure known to all for a resolution. In addition, taking every complaint seriously and allowing the complainant to remain confidential. This could potentially encourage more women to report their

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