Pornography: A Prominent and Detrimental Form of Sexual Objectification

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One of the most prominent and detrimental forms of sexual objectification is in pornography, where it defines a woman’s role as a sexual object for men to use freely (Insert Plato Citation). It was concluded that 88% of the scenes on porn contain acts of physical aggression, which can overexpose men into thinking that this sort of aggression is normal and raise their tolerance of violence (Insert PornStats Citation). It can further warp the minds of the watchers into thinking that this is what relationships and sex are truly like, when in reality many women are forced into the industry or are overly intoxicated to keep the entire experience feeling numb (Insert ThePinkCross Citation). Pornography also touches in on an even darker subject of pedophilia, or the paraphilia involving sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Pedophilia is mostly found in males, who are also the sex that is 543% more likely to watch pornography (Insert PornStats Citation). Television shows and movies exhibit men of all shapes, sizes, and ages married or dating women of one body type, which is usually young and slender. The combination of the media and pornography feeding into the desires for young, petite girls by exposing them in an explicit way leads to the statistic that one in five men are capable of being sexually aroused by children, to some degree, though they may never act on those feelings (Insert TheGuardian Citation). On the other hand, it is still likely to see people telling young girls to not dress in a revealing manner. In the way society uses this, it is almost an oxymoron. The media is telling girls to look a certain way and when they do they are shamed for it. It should be left at if a girl is too young to be wearing ‘that short of...

... middle of paper ... due to another person’s ignorance.

In the case of Rambold and Moralez, it is more than evident that justice was not served. Rambold was sentenced to attending sex offender treatment for 36 months in July of 2010, after the multiple rapes committed against Moralez. Though this is hardly any justice for this case, there was one person who never learned of what Rambold’s punishment was. That person was Cherice Moralez. Cherice ended up taking her own life in February of 2010, before ever knowing of Rambold’s fate. Her mother believes it was a direct cause of what had happened to her and the severe backlash she was experiencing from her peers. Rape culture is real and it is a lethal culture that society has adapted by normalizing rape, objectifying people’s bodies, and hardly noticing any of its terrible detriments to not only the victims, but society as a whole.

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