The Media In Amusing Ourselves To Death By Neil Postman

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The media is actually used as a channel of disseminating information to the audience. And the media influence cultural, moral, political, economic and religious values because they tend to set the agenda for its audience. Not only setting the agenda but also framing. The media tend to frame the central organizing ideas for news content, entertainment, which supplies a context and suggests what the issue is through the use of selection, emphasis exclusion and elaboration.

An instance of political influence in Neil Postman chapter in “Typographic Mind”, he analyses the speech of Lincoln during the time of debates. This actually links to the series “Blacklist redemption season 1 episode 2” that the political value in which in today’s era seem …show more content…

In Typographical America Neil Postman loves the idea of everyone getting involved even uneducated people could react to the discussions.

All in all, the three chapters of “Amusing Ourselves to Death” work together theoretically and practically about the media influence towards its audience. Neil Postman asserts the public as victims to whatever media metaphor exists. The media shapes the perception of reality and truth. And that brings one to say that cultural, political, economic, religious and moral values are influenced by the media either negatively or positively.
Cedars, S. M. (2013, March 24). GradeSaver. Retrieved from
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Postman, N. (1985). Amusing Ourselves to Death. London:

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