The Meaning Of Not Give Up By Vincent Van Gogh

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“If you hear a voice within you say, ‘you cannot paint, ‘then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent Van Gogh

What I think this quote expresses or means is really to not give up even if that voice in your head is saying to quit. I know what it is to feel like giving up and it's very hard not to. But one of the things you should think about when having that urge of giving up is that if you choose to give up, you will never ever succeed. I also think this quote is very motivational in the sense that if a person thinks they want to give up, they can just think of this quote and they will keep on going and not give up. Most famous people like rappers, soccer players, football players, and track runners like Usain Bolt always had a dream to succeed. He had the power to accomplish their ambitions and they never gave up on themselves. “Don't think about the start of the race. THINK ABOUT THE ENDING”. - Usain Bolt …show more content…

He passed away of a heart attack at just forty nine years old. I was very sad for a very long time and just wished that he could live for just one more day. He was the best uncle ever and he would tell me that he loved me and always took very good care of me. When he died, I couldn't let that get in the way of my school work and my social life because when a person dies you can't give up on yourself. You can't let that take over who you really are, you just have to get over with it and don't let it hit you. It is very hard to forget about a family member dying, but it is possible. I never gave up and sometimes I think of him and say, “you're safer up there now, I love you” and I feel good or

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