The Matrix Mental Power

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How does one know the difference between the dream world and the real world? The youth in todays society are unconsciously idolizing images in social media and are blocking their potential ability to grow in life. Aside from being mislead by these images, they are also being deceived by beliefs and traditions that are inherited from their families. Mental power is needed as much as physical power. Due to the lack of mental growth a lot of humans today are living unconsciously. All of these factors have lethal consequences to an individual’s ability to have individualism and to think for themselves. In the film The Matrix, Neo who is a computer hacker is struggling with life and is ambushed by Morpheus, who becomes a mentor later in the film …show more content…

The world keeps changing and advancing, but what if humans did not? The norm is what many seem to follow. The dangers of conformity are that it blinds many from reality and assume meaning from what was learned in the past. As discussed in “Effects of Mass Media” Robert Liebert and Neala Schwartzberg write how “It is well documented that male and female roles are presented very differently though the mass media. In print, in television entertainment, an in commercials, females are numerically underrepresented and shown as more passive and deferent than males” (146). This is a perfect example of how images that are reproduce can be manipulated and control to the point it changes its meaning completely. Berger writes about how “Yet although every image embodies a way of seeing, our perception or appreciation of an image depends also upon our way of seeing” (10). What Berger is trying to imply is that an individual will view an image the way their mind is set up to see things. People idolize anything that they see. Since images can be manipulated it puts many individuals at risk by idolizing something that is mystifying. As a result, individuals will live in a matrix their whole life without realizing it because they have no knowledge of it. In todays society, many teens and adults look up to images and celebrities who are portrayed to be perfect. Neo has difficulties accepting what is being said of the world because he is oblivious to the lie he has been living in. When Morphues tells Neo, “The matrix is everywhere, its all around us, here even in this room. You can see it out your window or on your television” (29). Morpheus is implying that everything is mystified, far from reality. Morpheus wanted Neo to realize the matrix he had been living the whole time and open his

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