The Battle Between Good And Evil In Beowulf

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Good and Evil- The entire poem of Beowulf deals with the battle of good verses evil, good being Beowulf, his followers, Hrothgar, and Hrothgar's people, and evil being Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. In this poem the power of good overcomes all the evils, but not without the lose of life. These lives include that of Beowulf, Aeschere, and many of Hrothgar's people. The clashing of good and evil forces was the main method of creating interest and suspense in the poem. The fact that good always overcame evil shows that despite all the perils on the earth good will always prevail.

God and Fate- In the poem Beowulf there are many references to God despite the fact that the people, at the …show more content…

When Beowulf dies his body is lit on fire to show the end of his life. When a body is lit on fire it turns into smoke and rises into the heavens. In this way fire may also be symbolic of the way the sole gets to heaven or the second life.


In all three battles that Beowulf has, the nature of the battle is very similar. In each one the sword proved to be ineffective. Also in all three battles Beowulf kills the monster with very little help form his followers. He also gets a trophy from each battle being a hand, a sword handle, and the treasure. The first two battles take place in darkness, but it does not say whether it was day or night when Beowulf fought the dragon. All three battles are also very gruesome and bloody.

The perspective in which the monster is viewed from, is also very similar in all three battles. In each one the monster is very gruesome and hideous. The monsters are also very powerful figures, who have or a capable of killing many, all worthy opponents to Beowulf. The monsters are all viewed as very evil, the exact opposite of Beowulf. Finally the monsters are all viewed as outcasts, ignored by the Geats and the

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