The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Allusions Essay

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The Role of Allusions in The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Allusions are used by many writers in order to further enhance their writing and give it a deeper meaning. The author of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, T.S. Eliot, was one of those writers who used allusions to make his writing more complex. In this poem, Eliot alludes to many different figures, including a Biblical figure, mythological creature, historical person, and fictional character. All of the allusions are used to enrich the reader’s understanding of Prufrock’s thoughts and feelings. The most prominent allusions in the poem regard the themes that Prufrock does not think he fits in and thinks he is insignificant. Throughout the poem, J. Alfred Prufrock explains how …show more content…

On page 667, Prufrock says the he is not “Lazarus, come from the dead,” which refers to the time mentioned in the Bible when Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from the dead. This quote is used to contrast Prufrock and Lazarus, and indicates that Prufrock needs to try to turn his life around because he will not get a second chance at life like Lazarus did. Thus, he has very low confidence and does not think he will ever have a chance to be successful. Another biblical allusion is used on page 665 and states “Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter, I am no prophet,” which alludes to the execution of John the Baptist. This again displays Prufrock’s belief that he is not special. Hamlet, the hero of Shakespeare’s tragedy, is alluded to on page 667 where it states “I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be.” The purpose of this quote is to show Prufrock’s thought that he is not meant to be a leader. Also, he is bothered that he will never be the “star of the show” and is more of an ordinary individual who just blends in. Therefore, Prufrock does not think he is remotely exceptional or will ever be

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