The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis

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Sherman Alexie displays his cultural relevancy by giving a voice to a group of people that many have forgotten about, “Indians.” Native Americans are often overlooked of forgotten when talking about racial issues, this may be since there has been racial issues against Native Americans ever since America began. Alexie also talks about the importance of family and emotional support. Native Americans are profiled just like African Americans and people from the Middle East. Alexie portrays this in The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. “Can I help you?” the 7-11 clerk asked me loudly, searching for some response that would reassure him that I wasn’t an armed robber. He knew this dark skin and long, black hair of mine was dangerous. I had potential. (p. 292) …show more content…

These people can be seen every day, whether that is in person to person interactions or through online interaction. Native Americans were put in their own little box and pushed to the back of our minds. Alexie helps to pull that box out, dust it off and show us the issues that it holds. Native Americans can receive just as much racism as any other minority and needs to be brought to light just like all of the others were in the past. In This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona Alexie talks about how it is important to have people who will help you when you need it

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