The Lebensborn Program

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The lebensborn program which means spring of life was created in December 12th 1935 by Heinrich Himmler the leader of the SS and known as the “second most powerful man in Germany during WWII.” The program was created to increase Germany’s population during WWII. Hitler created 26 breeding facilities in which Aryan women were recruited to be impregnated by S.S soldiers, the S.S soldiers had to prove that they were fit and had no Jewish blood dated as far back 1750. After being approved they conceived children with an Aryan woman in these facilities either in marriage or out of wedlock to ensure that they would conceive a racially pure child. Single women a left their babies at the lebensborn facilities for the Nazi’s to raise them. Himmler believed …show more content…

The mass production of Aryan children and the kidnapping of them ensured that the Nazi’s had complete control on there up bringing and their views by bringing them up with Nazi ideology and going through intense training so that they could become SS officials. The lebensborn program contributed to the holocaust by contributing to the final solutions by ‘replacing’ the 6 million Jews by growing a new population of ‘racially pure’ Germans. The program made more people believe in Nazi ideology and it gave the Nazi party a new generation of solider and anti-sematic …show more content…

It was widely encouraged that racially pure Germans should have large families, to convince women to do this propaganda was heavily used around Germany to show everyone what a ‘proper’ German family should look like. The most popular propaganda campaign was the ‘cross of honour for the German mother’. This cross was awarded in Hitler’s name to women who had large families, bronze to women who had 4-5 children, silver for 6-7 and gold for 8 or more. It was first awarded on mother’s day 1939. The first women to every receive it was Magda Goebbels, she was married to Joseph Goebbels the propaganda minister and they had 6 children. Magda was seen has the perfect Aryan women she was tall, blond hair and blue eyes, and she often stood next to Hitler at official ceremonies because Hitler was not married. The Goebbels family was seen throughout all propaganda as the perfect family and Hitler used them to show all women what they should aspire to be. It turns out that Joseph Goebbels had multiple affairs, but Hitler refused to let them divorce because they were Hitler’s poster family, Magda poisoned all her children in the basement and committed suicide to save them from a world without their fuehrer to lead and guide

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