The Killing Cousins: David Alan Gore and Fred Waterfield

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David Alan Gore and Fred Waterfield are also known as the killing cousins, these men were two of the most brutal killers of their time. Not only did they kill their victims but they would brutally rape and torcher them before ending their lives. Throughout this paper I will discuss their biography, the crimes they committed, their criminal cases, and a theory of why the committed the crimes that eventually led to the death of one of these men.
David Alan Gore was born in Florida in 1953 on August 21st. David Gore was a Caucasian male that grew up to be around six feet tall and weighed about 275 lbs. Gore’s life ended when he was executed on April 12, 2012. David Gore had only one sister Wendy Gore. David was raised by his mother and father. His father was a manager at Hunter and Fruit Grove which is an orchard and his mother was an assistant librarian at Vero Beach land. Gore never showed signs of abuse from his parents or in school. David wasn’t thought to be good looking and was not very popular in school. Although the only problems he had in school were that he flunked gym class multiple times. When Gore was growing up there is no evidence that he tortured animals, started fires, or wet his bed. These actions can be linked to a majority of serial killers throughout history. Although throughout his life Gore did abuse drugs and alcohol. David Gore’s first encounter with getting in trouble involving girls was when he and his cousin Fred Waterfield watched the girls in their physical education class from an above balcony. Gore’s first experience with sex was when he watched his cousin rape his sister Wendy. It is not completely clear weather the events in Gore’s life were what triggered his violence towards women or the influence...

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...g Cousins killed six woman, there may have been at least five other victims that escaped being killed. Although the cousins didn’t just abduct and kill their victims, they would first rape and torcher their victims. The cousins didn’t stop there they would also mutilate their victims bodies after they were dead; David even tried eating part of a victim. The cousins had two methods of killing their victims; they would either shot their victims with a rifle or handgun. The cousins would also strangle them to death. The cousins would also bring handcuffs and rope to tie up the victims while they were raping and torturing them. Even though the cousins didn’t commit all of their crimes together Gore has stated that Fred Waterfield offered him $1000 for any pretty girl that he could girl and bring to him. David accepted his offer although he couldn’t always come through.

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