The Journey Of A Hero's Journey

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When I think about the steps of The Hero's Journey, I think back to myself; Am I on my own Hero’s Journey as I type this essay? A hero's journey comes in steps which are the Normal World, Call to Adventure, Refusal of the call, Mentor, Start the journey,Tests, Allies, Supreme ordeal, and lastly the Resolution. I'm going to take you through the steps in my own hero's journey. My Normal World was my mother and stepfather having a weird yet happy relationship. I remember the good times and the bad ones, it still leaves chills in my bones when I think back. My family has always been crazy, we’re always really good, then we fight, everyone stops talking for two weeks then the cycle begins all over again. That is still my Normal world. But Let us take a look at Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) who was recognized worldwide as a mythologist, also working with comparative religion too. One of his many books, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which has sold over a million copies and translated into twenty languages. Campbells concept, also called the monomyth, details on how all stories, fiction or nonfiction, follow a certain pattern. My call to adventure in my opinion is me choosing to go to college, with my mom being a single mother at 14; she never had a chance because in reality she had responsibilities. That is why I felt …show more content…

Everything since the arrest i'm second guessing, is all this a waste of time?. Will I really make it, making bad decisions like this?, Am I wasting money just to fail?. My life as I know it, had crumbled beneath me, all because of my stupid mistake. Mistakes are tricky because you could always say you will never do it again but once you do one thing it is over, people will always judge you. People find ways to judge you, and when you make a mistake they will always throw it back in your face to one up

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