The Island Club Research Paper

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The Prohibition began in the 1920’s as the 18 Amendment to the Constitution .Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933. Sometimes Prohibition was referred to as the "Noble Experiment," A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages. Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states).phrase, "speak softly shop," meaning a "smuggler's house," appeared in a British slang dictionary published in 1823. Many years later, in Prohibition-era America, the "speakeasy" …show more content…

Greenport was known for a famous restaurant during prohibition called Claudio’s. Claudio's Restaurant is the oldest family owned and “run restaurant in the country found its way into the illegal spirits business, as the downstairs of the building became a fine French restaurant while the upstairs served as a speakeasy.” Many faux speakeasies have been built to provide drinkers will the proper venue to enjoy their classic cocktails. The Mill Pond House restaurant in Centerport, tunnels that once were used by the rum runners to bring the illegal alcohol had provided access to a speakeasy across the street was turned in to a wine cellar. “It’s nice to have that connection to the past," said Dean Philippis, the restaurant owner for nine years. "You see what's left of the tunnels and you know something was going …show more content…

When it came to women having jobs there was a 2 million increase since the war had ended. Even though women were becoming a part of the work force the jobs were still sex segregated. Meaning that women would take jobs as teachers or nurses or other jobs that men rarely wanted. “Women, especially minorities, who held factory jobs held the least desirable and lowest paying jobs in factories. African American women mostly held domestic jobs such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry. There were many openings for educated African women in the social work, teaching, and nursing fields during this time, however they faced much discrimination”. So it did not matter what race you were as a woman you still were segregated white or black from what the men did as jobs. As time went on and woman got more rights “Women also had an “equal rights to inheritance, equal control of national, state and local governments”. They were also allowed to go to” school or university, work in the government services, professional and industrial businesses”. With tis 19th Amementment growing woman’s right started playing a role in promoting the reproductive right for woman, “ushering in new voting population with a political agenda that would ultimately legalize contraception and abortion”. By having this power it aloud woman to experience the working field. They were able to plan a family when they were ready to not because it

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