The Inside Of Cyclops In Greek Mythology

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The Inside Of A Cyclop Today i am writing to you about Cyclops, yes they are in the past and were around in Greek mythology. Cyclops are not something you would generally think about when you are thinking about some big bad monster. Yet they are still as bad as one. When people think of cyclops the most common term to describe them is strong one eyed giants. They are more than this and somewhat act like humans but i would watch out because they might eat you if you try to be their friend. Yes, that’s right they eat humans. When I said Cyclops are like us i say this because they lived in caves just like we live in houses it's a little different but still almost the same. They also, raise sheep, goats, and cattle. I know that's a little odd because they raise sheep and stuff but eat us humans. But hey, let's not judge them because they are a little odd if you can't tell. The first cyclops were sons of Uranus and Gaia. Polyphemus was one of the most greatest and well known. To me Polyphemus is like the king of them all and overruled everyone else on the island. Someday i would like to be like Polyphemus, we can all dream right. “Many scholars believe the legend of the Cyclopes single eyed arose from an actual …show more content…

They do have some shows and movies about them though. Like the well known popular one X-men. That was said their was some in there. I personally have never seen any of the X-men movies but after this paper i'm definitely considering watching some. Other films like “The Cyclops” ( by James Craig 1 ). There is also, so books written about the story of them like for example the Odysseus story where he took on Polyphemus called “The Adventures Of Ulysses” ( by William Hunter 1 ). I read some of this about how Ulysses went to search the cave and defeated Polyphemus. When i have some more free time i might consider going back to read the rest to see what was the full story and what happen

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