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Effects and consequences of distracted driving
Effects and consequences of distracted driving
Effects and consequences of distracted driving
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I want to declare my independence from terrible motorists on the road. People who cut me off, drive extremely slow in the fast lane, people that tailgate me, and people that do stupid things like texting and driving that harms themselves and even others. It is almost as though everyone on the road is trying to run into you. The thing that makes me the angriest is when I am going exactly the speed limit, even a mile per hour or so over sometimes, but the guy behind me stays right on my bumper. Even though I am still on my permit and I do not have my real license yet, I am still affected by these issues.
List Of Grievances
People who are in the fast lane, but going slow. If the speed limit on a road is 55, you should be going 55 in the left lane, not 45. I don’t want people to speed, but please go the speed limit.
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I’m going the speed limit or even a little over, so there is no need for you to be right behind me to cause an accident.
When 18-wheelers get in the left lane but go slow. If you are turning and there is a lot of traffic, I understand. But there have been times on 321 where an 18-wheeler gets beside me in the left lane, but doesn’t turn for at least 5 miles.
When people cut out in front of me, and then turn less than a mile down the road.
When people speedup or slow down when I am merging to keep me from successfully doing it.
When people eat, drink, text, or otherwise distract themselves from driving and come close to or even do cause an accident.
When people turn without signalling, or turn the turn signal on too
... that happen due to the traffic moving at or above the allowed speed limit.
Ever since I started driving there is no other thing I hate more than when you are stuck behind a person who simply will not step on the gas. The people that drive slow are the people that make you get angry, lose your patience, make you lose time, and the ones that make you want to speed. Most people have been in a situation where they are late for work or school and they get stuck behind a slow driver and I guarantee that most of those people will agree that they either lost their patience or got angry.
Jim was leaving work late, and he knew that his wife was at home waiting on him. She had prepared a nice meal for their anniversary and was sitting on the couch all alone. As Jim pulled out of the plant and onto newly paved two-lane highway, he noticed a large white sign with the words “speed limit” and the number “50.” It was a thirty minute drive home, and he could easily make up the time he lost at work if he could just drive as fast as he wanted. For the next half hour, however, Jim drove fifty miles per hour, all the while, contemplating why we have speed limits. Why do we have speed limits? What is the point in setting a limit on how fast you can drive your vehicle? Shouldn’t you be able to set your own personal speed limit? Who really has a say in what the speed limit is set at? Does any good come from having a speed limit, or is it just set up as a means for the government to make money? These questions and more just like them have been an important topic of discussion for many years. In 1995, the national speed limit was dropped, and states were allowed to set their own speed limits. Many of the states raised the limits. California promptly rose to 65 mph, and Texas went even as high as 70 mph. Some states, however, kept the limit the same. The reason this topic has so much significance is that it affects every driver on America’s roadways. As well as affecting the way we drive, speed limits affect us in other ways. Some smaller towns rely on speed limits as a source of income. This income results from issuing citations to speeders. If drivers fail to yield to the speed limits, they may face consequences. A citation for speeding is considered a minor misdemeanor and requires the payment of a stated amount ...
Many of us have had close calls when the unexpected happens while driving. Most of the time, other drivers cause the unexpected things that demand emergency maneuvers on our part. In a way, that's fortunate because it's far easier to predict the actions of another human being than events caused by inanimate objects, such as a tree dropping a large branch on the road. Those occurrences are usually rare.
The one type of driver that really irritates me during my morning commute to work in downtown Phoenix, is the driver who is in the “fast lane” or left lane without keeping pace with the preceding car in the same lane, and also fails to yield to faster moving traffic. These drivers are creating safety issues for those around them in an already stressful situation. In contrast, some people may believe that these drivers are justified in their failure to yield to faster drivers because they are exceeding the speed limit. Nevertheless, the highway is designed to operate safe and efficient when slower drivers stay to right and remember that the left lane is a passing lane, and therefore should vacated it as soon as practicable for everyone’s benefit.
If you see that a truck in front of you will need to move left to avoid slow traffic in front of him or traffic merging into his lane from an on-ramp, don't block him off when you pass. Avoid passing him until he is in the clear, or pass
Many people today do not have patients, which leads to road rage or aggressive driving. Road rage is a bad habit that is caused by getting stressed out or frustrated in a vehicle. Aggressive drivers often honk their horn, tailgate, cut others off, change lanes quickly, and use non friendly gestures (Road Rage | DMV.org). Eighty percent of today’s drivers have a bad habit of using road rage when driving. The average age of people who drive aggressively is 18-26. Men are more prone to have road rage than women. An Example of a road rage case was when a truck driver got irritated with the cars around him and could not pass. So he rammed the vehicle in front of him and caused 17 injuries (AAA: Most Drivers Have Engaged in Aggressive Driving). Road rage is not only just a distraction for the person who has it, it is also a distraction for other drivers around them. When an aggressive driver is yelling and honking it tends to make others look at them and not pay attention to the road. 13,000 accidents a year are cause by people with aggressive driving habits (Driving Hazards). Experts say that if you have this habit there are ways
Speeding has been a serious problem that drivers face on the roads every day. Most of the drivers recognize the risks of driving and they know what could happen by going over the speed limit. In the article “Driving speed and the risk of road crashes” , in this article the authors show the risks of going over the speed “They concluded from this function that a 1% increase in free speed is related to an increase of 7.8% in crash liability.” (Aarts, and Van Schagen 217), it is clear how risky is driving over the speed that one percent can relate to 7.8 % in crash liability. The advertisement made by a New Zealand transport agency shows the risks of going over the speed and what could happen to the driver and other
I started driving not too long ago, and in the little experience I have gained I can say that there are three types of drivers in this world the irresponsible driver, the good driver, and the over-cautious driver. There is the irresponsible driver, this type of driver can seem unpredictable on the road because they drive so close your car and speed like a maniac. They are the most dangerous driver of them all not only to themselves but to other drivers on the road. Then the good driver, this type of drivers pay attention to their surroundings, such as weather, and other traffic. Finally, there is the over-cautious driver, who is just as easy to spot as the irresponsible driver. They are normally going under the speed limit or close to it, this type of driver slow traffic, and in highly jammed areas, they can be a danger on the road from disturb and not flowing well with the traffic.
Imagine driving on I-75 as cars race by you at a blink of an eye. You are driving 60 miles per hour, the speed limit; they must be doing 100 miles per hour or more. This is not an illusion; this is the reality of driving on a highway. Believe it, it happens everyday. Cars race down the road at uncontrollable speeds that cause tickets, accidents, and sadly death. Speed limits are a must for traffic control, for safety in neighborhoods and for avoidance of collisions.
First of all it is obvious that a motorist driving over the speed limit has more chances of getting into an accident that a motorist who is traveling at the average speed. One who drives fast does not have proper and that well of a control on the vehicle as one that is moving at a safe speed or at the speed limit mark. It is true that traveling above the speed limit will save time and time is money but is it really worth it. Speed over the limit is a major factor in about two to five percent of fatalities. When driving over the limit it is hard to determine the other drivers speed, this is called the speed variance and this can cause an accident while overtaking the other vehicle or simply changing lanes because the other driver could be speeding up as well, at the same time as you are changing lanes that would result in an accident.
On April 2, 2016 , my friend , Rachel Bruce & I planned to travel up to Columbia , SC to see our friend get initiated into a fraternity. We left the College of Charleston early that Saturday afternoon & went on our way on I-26. We made a plethora of stops along way , but we weren't in a rush . As we entered Calhoun County on I-95 we endeavored traffic. We stayed in traffic for a good while, but it didn't matter we had air conditioning & music in the car to make the traffic quite enjoyable. At first, traffic wasn't moving at all then it started to move at a steady pace . To keep from following on the tail of the car ahead, I let a big gap come between us. As the traffic started moving at a constant speed, I had to accelerate to fill in the gap
The main distraction of driving is cell phones. Most adults and teens will engage in texting and driving. Due to the major issue of texting and driving many campaigns have been launched, one being launched by AT&T “when it comes to texting and driving, it can wait.” This campaign has many drivers take the pledge to no longer use their phone when driving, there is an available app that will send out automatic messages to anybody that sends a while the individual is driving. When someone is driving at the rate of 55 miles per hour for only 4.6 seconds, it will equal the length of a football field, 100 yards. So, even stopping full vision from the road for a few seconds will still risk serious danger. Another cause of distracted driving is being exhausted or tired, doing so will cause a much slower reaction time. The slower reaction time causes many of the accidents that happen when people are tired. Another possibility is falling asleep behind the wheel even for a few seconds you could drift, or swerv into another lane and hit another car causing a major or fatal car accident. When taking driving classes, the students within the class will hear the saying “stay alert, stay alive.” The final major distraction of driving is eating and drinking. One of the problems of eating and drinking while driving is that it causes both a visual and manual distraction. When removing your eyes from the road many dangers will be
I.Attention Getter: Speeding, tailgating, giving the finger and outright violence. Each day Americans grow more and more likely to take out their personal frustrations on other drivers. It is called aggressive driving and it is on the incline.