Dangerous Driving Habits: A Deep Dive into Road Rage

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Ninety percent of today’s car accidents are caused by bad developed driving habits. Of that ninety percent of accidents, they all could have been prevented. People usually do not realize that they even develop bad habits while driving until something happens. 3,500 deaths happen a day and the numbers are getting higher. Today, experts are using technology of many kinds to try to prevent these accidents and bad habits, but are not succeeding (Human error accounts for 90% of road accidents | Driver Risk Management Solutions | AlertDriving). Many people today do not have patients, which leads to road rage or aggressive driving. Road rage is a bad habit that is caused by getting stressed out or frustrated in a vehicle. Aggressive drivers often honk their horn, tailgate, cut others off, change lanes quickly, and use non friendly gestures (Road Rage | DMV.org). Eighty percent of today’s drivers have a bad habit of using road rage when driving. The average age of people who drive aggressively is 18-26. Men are more prone to have road rage than women. An Example of a road rage case was when a truck driver got irritated with the cars around him and could not pass. So he rammed the vehicle in front of him and caused 17 injuries (AAA: Most Drivers Have Engaged in Aggressive Driving). Road rage is not only just a distraction for the person who has it, it is also a distraction for other drivers around them. When an aggressive driver is yelling and honking it tends to make others look at them and not pay attention to the road. 13,000 accidents a year are cause by people with aggressive driving habits (Driving Hazards). Experts say that if you have this habit there are ways …show more content…

So many things distract a person from keeping their eyes on the road or focusing on the road. The death of people caused by bad driving habits is at a high number. With more awareness of these bad driving habits, 45 percent of the 90 percent of car accidents can be

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