The Influence Of Music In The 1920's

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The 1920s were an eventful time during the 20th century. Many events occurred during this time period also including the end of World War I and the beginning of the Roaring Twenties. Throughout every generation the way people dress, the music they listen to, and the way people look at the world change. The culture of the 1920s has influenced all generations by the way they dressed, the music they listened to and danced to, and the way they spent their free time. During the 1920s the way people showcased their self in public changed tremendously. Women went from wearing long gowns and skirts with neat well-done hair to a style called “flapper” fashion (Epstein 9). “Flapper” fashion was short hair, straight dresses that stopped at the knee (Rissman). Consequently, women during the 1920s broadcasted a more sexier and carefree mood (Epstein 9). Teenagers became more rebellious calling, ignoring their parents request and traditions (Bix 5). The 1920s was a time where people became wild and their whole demeanor changed. …show more content…

In the 1920s the broadway musical the “Running Wild” started the wild spread of the dance called “The Charleston” (Bix 9). Also during the 1920s, dance marathons became widely popular. These consisted of dancing for 45 minutes and resting for 15 minutes (“Fads and”). Youth had an extraordinary love for dance. (Bix 5). At one time, jazz was only found in New Orleans and Kansas with composers such as Louis Armstrong and Paul Whiteman (9). The Roaring Twenties was the beginning of the popularity of jazz music (Elliot). People started attending speakeasies which is a bar/club during the prohibition era (“Are you”). The Roaring Twenties was an eventful time for everyone and involved different cultures mixing together as

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