The Inevitability Of The American Dream In The United States

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The American dream is the very foundation this country was built on. The belief that an individual can take their dreams and make them into reality . By actually taking the cards you've been dealt and changing your life with enough perseverance, self sacrifice and dedication and not relying on luck or chance. Initially, the dream is based on the concept of being able to achieve upward mobility in society regardless of your race, gender, economical and social background. It relies solely on the belief that everyone is considered equal. Unfortunately, it was an extremely long time before this country was able to succeed in providing those rights to all individuals. "Inequality, then, is less an inevitability than a choice… we can alter the course of inequality" (Leonhardt 543). What makes one person achieve and obtain the American dream over someone else or is it just one huge hoax? …show more content…

In the 1950's the "Baby Boomers" perfect American Dream focused primarily on being financially comfortable and stable to support their family. By the 1970's another shift "people without culture or education [having] the money to not only indulge their passions, but flaunt them" (McClelland 550) no longer exists. Currently, in todays society majority of Americans work long hours to have a place to call home regardless if they have a family or not. While, others must depend on support from the state and federal government just to survive and basic needs.

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