The Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC)

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The Indian tourism development corporation (ITDC) it is popularity in a public sector of the undertaking by the government of India and Tourism Department. ITDC founded by 1st October 1966 it’s a headquarter New Delhi. Under the provision of companies Act 1956 with a capital of the five crore the capital financed by the central Government. The ITDC is also the prime mover in the development, promotion and expansion of the tourism in India. The ITDC is a One of the biggest Hospitality companies in India. The corporation is multi-function sector but the deals primarily in various division of the hospitality sector in India and not only Indian but ITDC also in abroad. ITDC has created owns Ashok brand and there are runs 15 properties under …show more content…

The number of the foreign tourist arrival during 2015 was 80.27 lakhs with a growth of the 4.5% as a compare to 2014 is 76.79 lakhs with a growth of the 10.2% with a compare to 2013 is 69.67 lakhs of the foreign tourist arrival.

Dr. Lalit K. Panwar is vice chairmen and managing director of the Indian tourism Development Corporation expects to a profit Rs. 30 Carore this is fiscal profit and target is Rs. 50 Carore for the next year. The company has also invested to around of Rs. 70 Carore in upgrading for the properties its included The Ashok hotel, Samrat Hotel and The Janpath hotel in Delhi so the guests are coming back to the …show more content…

An important of the wings human resource development provided to the education and training to the employee 127 individuals so as to the Produce professional for the future. Its education and training programmes are largely based on the requirements and nature service of the hotel industry. The Human Resource Development are included to generate of the attitudinal changes towards for your body language, value of the employee and behaviour this all thing are changing to requirement of the time. This training time 438 trainee during the last year and there are 6204 employee are covering. These training time 51 employees are nominated for the professional courses. As the part of the training period time activities of the 60 management training (MT) and 200 trainees are undergoing to the training. Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) its human Resource Department attainment of the goal and for the promotion of the

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