The Importance of Women Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

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Women all over the world have had to fight to be seen as an equal contributor like a man. Women have certain qualities that allow them to think and act rationally while men strike at the first sign of doubt. A world without women would be useless because women possess the ability to create life and create beauty. Without women there would be no love, no passion, no sanity and no cleanliness. Although women have power to bring life into the world, they also have the power to destroy anything in their path. The world has not been completely corrupted because women have hope, faith and love, and that is the key to living. The women of this world are the ones that keep it spinning through hard work, dedication, love, trust and faith.
Of course every country is different and depending on their customs women are treated differently. It took the United States a long time to be able to accept the fact that women are as capable of accomplishing tasks as men are. It was not until Elizabeth Cady Stanton, along with many other women, started the women’s suffrage movement. It lasted seventy years and they did not quite succeed but they never gave up. For these women, it was like biting into a piece of cake for the first, they got a taste of what being heard feels like and they wanted more. In the United States today, women have more choices than ever before and the possibilities are endless, but in other countries women do not have the same privileges. Women in Afghanistan are vulnerable to harsh tribal customs and most of their rights are non-existent. Even though maternity death rates have gone down, more than half of the Afghan girls are still not in school, and those who are never finish. It is not unusual for Afghan familie...

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...e place to call home; a woman does more than watch the children, they raise their children to be the best person they can ever hope to be; women do more than what men think they do, women rule the world.

Works Cited

Atwood, Margaret. The handmaid's tale. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986. Print.
"Before the Women's Suffrage Movement - Women's Suffrage Movement vs. Women's Rights Movement in the 1800s." Women's Suffrage Movement vs. Women's Rights Movement in the 1800s. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.
"Importance of Women." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2014
"The Long Road to Suffrage." Women's History. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.
"The Women of Afghanistan." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Aug. 2012. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
Udas, Sumnima. “Challenges of Being a Woman in India.” CNN. Cable News Network, 12 Jan. 2013. Web. 03 Apr. 2014

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