The Importance of Teamwork

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The Importance of Teamwork

In this assignment I am going to look at teamwork and important it is,

also linking it in with how vital teamwork is in the modern Public

Services. To do this I will be looking into the main theorists and

their guidelines for a team to work well and to be efficient.

Teamwork is a group/ team of people working towards a common goal or

target. Bill Gates describes teamwork as ‘A group with a common goal’.

The advantages of a team working correctly is as follows; being able

to reach the goal quicker, this is because there are many people

working together. To become more efficient, this is because people

have different strengths and so people can work problems out quicker.

I personally believe that ‘Teamwork’ means a group of people who have

different strengths and weakness helping each other to really a common


Bruce Tuckman uses five stages for a team to work successfully.

However, his original team approach was like in the diagram consists

of only four stages. He later added the 5th stage 10 years later,

which is adjourning.

Tuckman’s 5 stages are; Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and


[IMAGE]Text Box:


first stage forming is where the team members come together and they

start to identify their individual qualities. For example if someone

had brilliant communication skills then by a group decision they might

elect him/her to be the communicator. Group has little guidance and

direction, leader tells the team members their role and the common

task is told to the group.

The next stage, w...

... middle of paper ...

... develops contacts. They are enthusiastic. Weaknesses are a tendency to

lose interest.

Shaper, The shaper is a task-focused leader also the shaper is

committed to achieving ends and will ‘shape’ others into achieving the

aims of the team. Weaknesses will argue or disagree to pursuit of goal


Team worker, tend to have skills in listening, coping with awkward

people and to be sociable. Sensitive and people oriented. Weaknesses

they tend to be indecisive in moments of crisis.

Specialist provides knowledge and technical skills. Their weaknesses

are single-mindedness.

Belbin believed that each groups should contain these nine different

people. He said that not many people will fit the criteria perfectly


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