The Importance of Material Factors in Determining Class Attainment

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The Importance of Material Factors in Determining Class Attainment

In this essay I am going to show that yes material factors are the

most important in determining differential class attainment. However

there is evidence to show that cultural factors as well do determine

differential class attainment.

The material factors that mostly determine class attainment are:

* lack of income

* over crowded houses

* poor diet

* lack of access to uniform

Furthermore, material deprivation outside school can affect

achievement; the theory says that economic poverty is a big factor in

low achievement at school. Douglas (1964) found that children in

unsatisfactory living conditions. I.e. poor housing, lack of

nutritious food, overcrowding did not do very well in ability tests

compared to children from comfortable backgrounds

Unemployment or low income mean less money for books, the internet and

school trips. Low income families can not afford nurseries and

private schools and they can’t afford to support their children

through university.

As well as this poverty and unsatisfactory standards may cause health

problems and absence from school. Lack of access to school uniform can

lead to bulling as children “don’t fit in”, so worrying class pupils

are at a disadvantage.

As I have stated before, on the other hand there is evidence to show

that cultural factors do determine differential class attainment as


It blames working class culture and ethnic minority culture for

failure to achieve, it suggests that the reason working class and

ethnic minority children fail is because their home culture is

inadequate, especially in terms of parental attitudes, child rearing

practices and language development.

Douglas argues that working class and ethnic minority parents are less

interested in there children’s education. He measured parental

interest by counting the number of times parents visited schools for

parents evenings etc. He found working class parents were less likely

to visit and attend and therefore concluded that they were less

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