The Importance of Language in Othello

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The Importance of Language in Othello In the extract being analysed there are numerous instances where

William Shakespeare transformed characteristics of spoken language,

those characteristics are meant to make the discourse more believable

and aid the dramatic effect within the scene. In the extract, we see

the Machiavellian character Iago influencing the easily malleable

Roderigo, coaxing him into attacking and hopefully killing Cassio.

The tension grows within the text at this point because as soon as the

events begin to unfold there is know way for the scheming Iago to turn

back and rectify the situation. The final discourse between Iago and

Roderigo is quick and full of Iago encouraging Roderigo to be bold and

fight Cassio. ‘Quick, quick! Fear nothing; I’ll be at thy elbow’. This

quote shows Iago reassuring Roderigo of the ease of the task he wants

him to carry. It seems as though Roderigo is not as sure of the plan

that he agreed to undertake now that the moment had come.

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