The Importance Of Written Communication In The Workplace

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Communication skills are in the top of the list of skills that employers look for in their potential employees. Practically, there is no job that does not require these skills, whether if it comes to work in a large corporation, small business or own business. Communication skills are perhaps the most important skills needed to successfully perform the work and functioning of the team. Effective workplace writing is an essential part of functioning at work. Written communication skills allow us to easily express our own ideas. In order to successfully develop effective workplace writing, we need to know the rules of written communication, its importance and specificity. We also have to think about the audience and their needs, to be concise and clear in expressing, and to structure and format the text.
Rhetorical awareness and user-centered design concepts can help us with effective professional writing (Brizee, 2013). Effective workplace writing allows us to express our ideas clearly and reasonably, and it is an important part of communication with others in the workplace.
Rhetoric is ability of eloquent speaking; it is a skill of persuasion and the acquisition of listeners. …show more content…

We should be aware that when we professionally write, we communicate with the company, not the individual. We also need to know that what is written remains permanently; can be checked at any time, so the accuracy is required. Also, due to the absence of control over who will be the reader - it requires greater caution when it comes to content and audience. Besides that, effective workplace writing skills are of great importance for professional development. The way in which employees communicate with each other and with customers is a mirror of each company. Effective and professional oral and written communication skills of employees are the ones that employers consider the most

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