Essay On Writing By Stephen King: Improve Writing Skills

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Improving Writing Skills After reading the essay On Writing by Stephen King, it was apparent that improving writing skills is important. The beginning to forming a better career is to first read because “one learns most clearly what not to do by reading bad prose”. (King) Improving writing skills can further improve verbal communication skills and help to advance in life. When someone improves their writing skills, they can then improve their verbal communication skills. Improving both verbal and written communication skills will lead to a better career path. Author King and blogger Dan Shewan agree that a major step to improve writing is to start by reading. Shewan mentions in his blog 16 Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills, that ‘The …show more content…

Knowing correct formats, styles, and linguistics can ensure a company that a person will be professional and effective at work. Having exceptional writing skills will assist in getting a job because when a person has those skills they can create a well thought out resume and cover letter. An outstanding resume and cover letter is the first impression a person leaves for an employer. The way a person writes shows who they are and what they can accomplish. When a person has a deficient resume it makes employers unsure of who the person they are considering is. It will make an employer wonder if they are making the right decision and question if the person applying for the position will be able to do the tasks needed to fulfil the job. It is also important to have good writing skills when applying for a job or trying to advance in a job because most jobs require communication through e-mail. Not only does one want to sound professional in a work e-mail but then verbal communication takes place. In the work field a person wanting to advance in their job is most likely going to have to step up and not only answer telephones but they may need to speak in meetings, and write business letters. An article by Timothy Roufa on gives an example that shows the importance of verbal and written communication skills

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