Stephen King's Essay On Why Reading Is Important To Read

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“ I’m slow reader, but I usually get through seventy or eighty books a year, mostly fiction”. (king-221). I’m slow reader too, and often I got bored with reading because I will read a difficult word and my reading can not help me because I’m slow reader. Stephen King, Reading to Write. In this essay, King impact me to read at least fifty books a year even though I’m slow reader, and I read with what I’m interesting with it. It is difficult to read books you are not like it because you will be bored with it and just want finish even if you do not comprehend. King wrote this essay to show us how reading is important to write, and he connected his essay with a personal experience. I totally agree with King when he says read, read and read because reading help me to write, to think, and improvise my speaking.
Reading gives tools to be a good writer, and ameliorate your reading by practice reading a lot. I agree with the king because The English language is my second language. When I start learning English, the first and fast skills I learned were reading. Then I improved other skills by reading, when I was going to write something, I was reading some articles, and I follow the directions to make a …show more content…

I followed King experience when I start learning English language, it helped me with other skills, and I see that reading is the easier skills in English language and it has a lot of benefits such making people get a fast reader by practice and knowing a new vocabulary. King has some points in the essay “Reading to Write,” one of them to say that people can do everything they want by a good practice and repetition. The author was clear in the “Reading to Write” essay but to be more effective he can focus on people reading what they like such a sports books, science books, and literature

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