The Importance Of Taking Risk

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From the moment we are born, to our last moment on earth, we take risks. It is nearly impossible to live life without taking any risks. When we begin to take our first steps, we are taking a risk. When we wake up each morning in bed, we are taking a risk. We can risk a measly amount, like scraping a knee, or a lot, like robbing a bank. Throughout the course of our existence, we will have taken countless risks, which will eventually determine our future. It is better to take risks and make mistakes than it is to remain cautious because taking risks can bolster our self-confidence, uncover unforeseen opportunities, and teach us valuable lessons.

When you repeatedly perform a task, such as completing the same maze, many times, you instinctively become better at said task. This can be best expressed through the case of a patient known simply as H.M. H.M had repeated seizures after a traumatizing accident in his youth. To cure these seizures, patient H.M had a surgery to remove his hippocampus, the region of his brain that created memories. After the surgery, H.M was reported to have retrograde amnesia. Scientists …show more content…

The most successful entrepreneurs of the modern world-such as J.K Rowling, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg- all take risks, even if they don’t pay off immediately. Even if some of the risks that one takes do not pay off, he or she would still be able to learn from their mistakes and make better choices next time. For instance, imagine one was to invest his or her money into a company that eventually fails. Although they may have lost some assets, they would have learned an important lesson, which would help them in their future endeavors. Without taking risks, one would never be able to learn from their failures. Think about it: The main reason that we can all walk and talk at this moment is due to the fact that we learned from our failures during the time when we were a

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