The Importance Of Prostitution

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A libertarian generally has four different considerations that support legalizing sex work. Prostitution as far as a libertarian is concerned is conducted between two consenting adults and is generally victimless as long as the sale of goods or exchange or services is voluntary (Admin, 2014). Therefore, to a libertarian, prostitution is like a job where the exchange of goods and services between two separate parties is mutually beneficial (Admin, 2014).
Important to the libertarians is the idea of autonomy; a woman’s ability to self-govern herself. There should be a choice given which allows a woman to decide for herself whether or not to use her body to gain income, it is not for the state to decide. There is the promotion of self-ownership …show more content…

Criminal organizations are proven to degrade women and give no care for their individual rights as the women are not only forced to do things they do not want to but also the fact that they are acting out of obligation to the organization they work for (Admin, 2014). Additionally, in the current state of the law, women are in places far out of the reach of possible health or protection assistance. The protection and well being of a country’s citizens should be the government’s first priority. In order to protect the rights of a person involved in the sex industry, there must be government aid in legalizing. Not only do prostitutes often face abuse at the hands of buyers and pimps, but they are also stigmatized by the rest of society (Morgan et al., 2014). One article states that women who are associated with the stigma of prostitution are “more vulnerable to hate crimes, housing and employment discrimination, and other violations of their basic rights” (Shrage, 1996). The stigmatization may be associated with the nature of a prostitute’s work and its subsequent morality, but it is also associated with the legality. Prostitution is associated with shame as it is legally criminal. Taking away one aspect of degradation would make life better for all prostitutes. One man explains that, while he does not support prostitution in practice, if his daughter chose to participate he would at least want it to be “legal, safe, reasonably well paid, and moderately respectable” (Shrage,

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