Prostitution-Legalize it?
Tracy M. Prucein
Palm Beach State College
Prof. Roberson_230675
If escorts and porn industries are a legal business, why can't prostitution be legalized it is the same thing as what supposedly these professional businesses make their money. Making prostitution legalized is to protect men and women who do this for a living. When it comes to legalizing prostitution, there is a negative and positive effect in the world, but I believe prostitution legal or not it will still continue. Let me elaborate.
In some corners, you would see on the billboard advertising on escorts in certain states/countries and porn industries do advertising as well. How I see it, whether you are in the escorts or
It is heartbreaking, I do not wish death upon anybody, but the fact that prostitutes get killed and the law cannot do anything about it because the position as a prostitute it becomes a closed case. They are many cold cases that the victims, who are prostitute still to this day their case has never been solved. For example, The unsolved murders of 10 women in Baton Rouge. One of the victim's family members was devastated by the lack of progress in the case. Some worry that Diana's' lifestyle (prostitute) might be the reason that police haven't solved it. In the early stages of the investigation, detectives didn't work the case hard enough. I know that prostitution is not a good working environment to be in, but no matter what men and women do in the streets, we must protect and give them the respect they deserve. They are human just like us, so we should not turn our backs on them like there garbage. Legalizing prostitution may decrease sexually transmitted diseases on both sides. For instance, Researchers at the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, presented a new paper in which they studied HIV among female sex workers in Canada, India, and Kenya. They found that infections could be reduced by 33
I know that prostitution is somewhat not a good working field, but for some people, it is the easy way to take care of their family and/or men and women have the right to make their own decision on being a prostitution. In addition, legalizing prostitution I say will help the government and people who choose to work in that particular field will give them the support and the protection they deserve instead of being looked at as a criminal for something that they are doing to make ends meet. No matter the choices some people make as a prostitute, they are human beings and they should be treated with respect and have protection from the government. Though the choices they make is not what people recommend, prostitutes have the right to make their own decision no matter what the case maybe we the people should support including the
Kelly’s article has raised valid points regarding safety to the prostitute within a brothel, but there is so much evidence that proves the ill effects of this experiment in other countries that the evidence cannot be ignored. Although, parts of the sex trade industry may initially see positive results for some of the workers, the majority would end up worse off than before. Due to the illegal nature of this industry and the control exuded by the pimp, the physical and psychological risk to the prostitute, the highly addictive nature of sex, and the organized crime behind the scenes orchestrating and controlling ever aspect of the industry, it is clear that decriminalizing prostitution would result in significant negative affects on society, prostitutes and those with sexual addictions.
As prostitution is criminalized, this profession is driven underground which undermines the safety of prostitutes. Legalizing prostitution would provide sex workers with regulatory protection and allow this form of work to be recognized as legitimate. As the author of “Think Again: Prostitution” states, “evidence shows, that criminalization of sale or purchase (or both) makes sex workers-many of whom come from marginalized social groups like women, minorities, and the poor-more vulnerable to violence and discrimination committed by law enforcement. Also, criminalization can dissuade sex workers from seeking help from authorities if they are raped, trafficked, or otherwise abused.” Therefore, sex workers are subjected to unfair treatment that could be prevented if this work was legalized and safe conditions were enforced. The author of "Counterpoint: Prostitution Should Be Legalized” states, “prostitution is legalized and regulated in a variety of developed nations throughout ...
In 2007, three prostitutes, Terri-Jean Bedford, Amy Lebovitch, and Valerie Scott came to the Canadian government to challenge the current prostitution laws after pending charges were laid against them for illegal acts prostitution (Chez Stella, 2013). The Bedford Case has opened up a debate on whether prostitution should be decriminalized in Canada. Through my research, I offer a comparative analysis of four approaches to prostitution, which aid in illustrating the effects that decriminalization would have on prostitutes, and women as a whole. The four states that I have compared are Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Australia. These countries each hold different views and policies on prostitution. Canada is currently criminalized, the Netherlands is a state in which prostitution is legalized, Sweden advocates abolitionism, and in Australia, prostitution is decriminalized. Through careful analysis I have determined the effectiveness of each of the policies, and which system I believe would be best for Canada’s future. Based on this investigation, I advocate that Canada ought to adapt a similar approach to Australia, decriminalizing prostitution as a means for social, economic, and legal stability for women. It is through decriminalization that prostitutes will have the opportunity to be actively involved in the community, and no longer marginalized members of society.
...essional advertisements. I am pro-choice when it comes to prostitution. I believe the choice to become a prostitute or become involved in that industry should be up to the individual. If prostitution is legalized, then there will be more brothels. With the rise of brothels there will be fewer streetwalkers. “No person's human or civil rights should be violated on the basis of their trade, occupation, work, calling or profession.” ( Allowing people to make their own decisions is what the United States stands upon, so why deny people the right to make the decision to become a prostitute?
Macduff and Macbeth both left their wives unprotected and unattended. Lady Macbeth was ill, and Macbeth learned of her health only through reports. When he finally asked about her, he said “How is your patient, doctor?” (5.3.37). Referring to her as a "patient," rather than using a more affectionate term to express his concern for her health, he did not accompany her and stayed focused on his power, rather than his wife's well-being.
...inst prostitution, then why some brothels legal, yet the prostitution as a whole are is illegal? Prostitution should not be a crime as the US takes it, because the prostitutes are not committing an inherently harmful act. While there is an argument that there will be spread of diseases, increase in criminal activities, and health effects, all these has been challenged by the proponents side and in fact if legalized, it will lead to a reduction of the above mentioned issues. If prostitution is legalized, it will be regulated and therefore, all these implications being mentioned will be eliminated.
After all sex, itself has such a different aspect on everyone’s life; but for a prostitute it might just be a lack of education or lack of money. We all must service in the world even if your job is illegal in most countries, you still must find a way to survive. A prostitute still makes a living through their exchange. And the men or women interacting or paying for the service should be held to the same guild or conscious as the prostitute because they are equally
... middle of paper ... ... Legalized prostitution would pay: We could tax prostitution in the same way we tax hospitality, often higher than normal sales tax. It can’t be prevented: There’s a reason it’s called “the world’s oldest profession”. It’s always been around, it always will be.
...wish to legalize prostitution have a personal interest in the matter. What it all boils down to is one’s selfish desire for a service that will hurt someone else, while others will make money from brothels and the prostitutes. The money exchange will probably include the government. The State should choose to leave this illegal act of sex trade alone. The decision to legalize prostitution will make us all responsible, and cause a division within the community. There is a reason prostitution is already illegal. Although I do not know why prostitution is illegal, but I know why it should stay illegal. The government does not have a regulated structure implemented to control prostitution. Lawmakers can create a policy to organize the legalization of prostitution, but not all people will adhere to the structure. The ongoing controversy exists, therefore, let it exist.
In conclusion, prostitution should be legalized for the well being of all parties. Labor laws would protect prostitutes, money would be saved on pointless investigations, and the number of Sexually Transmitted Diseases could be potentially decreased. Legalized prostitution could be altered to protect women; laws have to be specific and strict. Prostitution is inevitable, and those who practice it are not criminals.
The legalization of prostitution seems to be the best decision in this case. In my opinion there are a large amount of pros and with those a small amount of cons. Almost every con could be countered effectively with one of the pros listed above. But it would seem that in most people’s eyes the cons out-weigh the pros. Most likely the near future would not have legal prostitution.
Little do most know, but on “[a]verage [prostitution] arrest[s], court and incarceration costs amount to nearly $2,000 per arrest. Cities spend an average of 7.5 million dollars on prostitution control every year, ranging from 1 million dollars to 23 million dollars.” Prostitution is the oldest known profession. Currently in 49 countries and counting prostitution is legal. Here in America there is a stigma following the label prostitute. We would rather resort to underground markets of sex labor. Endangering health, rights, and economics. Legalizing prostitution can reduce health hazards by giving heath care, also by giving rights to those that choose prostitution as their profession. In the long term this
There are many reasons why prostitution is illegal some do make sense on why it is illegal. That still doesn’t mean that the government can tell us what to do with our life choices. A reason why it is illegal is because of homicide. How this works is by the customer promising a big load of cash. Then when they are done he or she does not pay and then kills the prostitute. Unfortunately, sometimes it could be the customer that gets killed just like what Aileen Wuornos did. Aileen Wuornos was a former prostitute that found a way to make easy money without having sex. Instead of having sex with the customer she would kill them and take their money. From her crime that she committed I can understand why it is illegal. The only problem with that not everyone wants to have sexual intercourse with a prostitute. It is basically like doing drugs or drinking underage or not there are people who want to do it then there are people who chose not to do it. I am not saying doing drugs and drinking is not a proud thing to do, but it is a human right
Prostitution is one of the root causes of human trafficking, especially sex traffic. Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people (such as: kidnapping), typically for the purposes of forced labor, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Human trafficking is one of the most barbaric crimes in society, because it is importantly violated to human rights. Human could not become a product to sell. In order to supply the labor for the prostitution industry, human trafficking becomes worse when it focus on women, and children. It transfers to sex trafficking. Many women are victims of human trafficking work in brothels, a part of them work as Streetwalker. Some countries give the idea that prostitution should be legalized to reduce the rate of human trafficking and sex trafficking, but they are wrong. Because, if we pass the law for prostitution, human trafficking and sex trafficking will increase in order to supply prostitutes for prostitution industry. Legalizing prostitution is a gift to pimps, traffickers because they will rely on a legal framework to bring
According to, prostitution was a profession that dated back to 2400 B.C. Though many things since then have changed, the practice of selling sex has been more or less the same. What has changed is the way that people now view the practice. Throughout the years the debate has been whether prostitution should become legal or illegal. Organizations like Amnesty International want to push forward the idea of legalizing consensual “sex work” between two adults who are willingly participating because it would help keep those in that line of work safer than they are now. While on the other side of the issue there are