The Importance Of Phenomenology

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Phenomenology is considering the experiences of individuals to disclose what is inside of them. It has transitioned from a descriptive phenomenology which focuses on the purpose of description of an individual and their experiences to the interpretation of what gave them these experiences. Research has been conducted to find ways of gaining knowledge pertaining to understanding an individual and how they are discovered. Knowledge regarding phenomenology is laid out by researchers. The primary purpose of this research is to aid in discovering acceptable knowledge over opinion detailing additional information from researchers.
Every researcher requires reliable methods to build the sources containing to create the data for research. Phenomenological …show more content…

Either way, Husserl's phenomenological methods continue to be the primary methods in order to study human beings and their consciousness and their experience. Husserl focused primary on their thoughts, imagination and called this their awareness. Based on other general facts it has been shown that the descriptive approach is focusing on the human beings only and not on their experiences in which gives the individual the phenomenological research needed to gain a clear concept of the individual their selves such as understanding the person, and their life experiences (Converse, 2012). Interpretive phenomenology is focused on questions that are being asked for the actual purpose of the phenomenonology and the researcher does not place their sense of opinion into the research no matter what they are studying. Descriptive phenomenology is focused on what the research would like to describe under their study and just as in interpretive phenomenology it is not based on the sense of the researcher’s opinion no matter what they are studying either. No matter what is being researched biases cannot warrant any imperative information in the given research. Example a teacher cannot have a bias against a student in their class based on the teacher experience with a student. The teacher must remain neutral no matter the given situation. It is imperative in studying phenomenology and the research to remain neutral so researchers can engage in proper guided

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