The Importance Of Perseverance In My World

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I dragged my feet through the parking lot, kicking up dust as I go. I dreaded going to practice everyday, but here I am. I sigh as I start the long walk across the empty fields to get to our practice spot. Everyday, I struggled to make it through the long practices, not because I was out of shape, but because I was so unhappy with what I was doing. Every weekend, I tried anything I could to get out of the games, but nonetheless I always showed up, ready to sit the bench for the entirety of our ninety minute game. Soccer, the sport I have been playing my whole life. Last May , I signed with my club again, agreeing to play another nine month season, not knowing that the sport I used to love so much would become my personal hell. It was a new …show more content…

By having to continually go to practice, games and being in an environment that wasn’t contributing to my happiness, I learned the importance of perseverance. I had a commitment, and I needed to finish the outdoor season. Even though every day I was miserable, I continued to fight in order finish what I started. Perseverance is an important skill to have in life, as everything won’t go your way. It’s important to know how to stay determined, and finish off a task that may not be desirable . Even though I did end up quitting, I finished the fall competitive season, something that once seemed near impossible to me . Another important lesson I learned from this experience is that personal needs are more important than the expectations others have for you. For a long time, I have wanted to quit soccer. However, I continued to play, not because I was passionate about the sport, but because it’s what other people expected me to do. I was known as the girl who played soccer my whole life, and that’s what people expected from me. I felt obligated to play soccer. It wasn’t until I realized that my needs, and my happiness were more important than what other people expected out of me. I quit soccer, because it what was I wanted, and what I thought would make me happy. I didn’t let anyone else impact my decision. As a teenager, I am often swayed by society’s expectations when I make a decision. To be able to set aside the expectations placed on me, and make a decision that’s best for me is huge. Not only did I come out of this experience happy, I came out as a better person, ready to take on what the world throws at me in the

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