The Importance Of Living In The United States

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Roughly 50% of the American population is classified as a lower-class household. These people have houses but most of them have several mortgages to be able to live in their houses. I think that money does buy happiness. It can help families to stop struggling to buy food everyday or to pay the bill or to be able to improve living standards and have a clean place for children to play. This essay will be going over just a few of the things that money can buy. In lower-class households paying bills is often a struggle. Individuals work more hours at their jobs to get the money to pay for basic needs, this puts a lot of physical and mental stress on them. If the person is a parent then the added pressure to provide for your family adds stress which leads to unhappiness. A small donation of money to help pay for utilities removes stress and cheers up a person and gives hope. You cannot buy family or trust or respect, but you can buy bonding time to establish such things. The money that helped to pay for bills may have freed up their weekend to meet new people or spend quality time with their significant other or children. There is no easy way to family or trust or respect, it's …show more content…

Living in Hawaii the prices of everything is increased on account of most all of it having to be shipped. Most of the things that are cheap and affordable aren't always healthy. Most of it is cheap because it's easy and fast to manufacture and more often than not has a long shelf life. Having money to buy healthy foods boosts morale and makes you feel more energetic and optimistic. Especially if you have children you don't want to be feeding your newborn potato chips, you want you child to grow up healthy and strong and a dinner of chips and microwavable food is a disappointing meal for a significant other. Having healthy foods keeps you looking forward to your

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