The Importance Of Intelligence

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Einstein said, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” Socrates said, “I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing.” For centuries, philosophers have tried to pinpoint the true measure of intelligence. From a scientific perspective; Who has more intelligence between humans and animals? What makes some brains smarter than others? Are intelligent people better at storing and receiving memories?
Man is distinctively different from the lower species of animals because of his ability in controlling the world he lives in. The difference between man and other animals also springs from the successful adaptions to his environmental demands. Each man is unique. Men differ from one another in their color, …show more content…

We may say some might have more intelligence than someone else based on their performance. To know the limits to someone’s intelligence would have to take an intelligence test. Every individual in a society will have some amount of intelligence. But everyone has a different level. Some may be very dull, some may be average and some may be more intelligent than others. Based on the results of an IQ test will show one’s ability to perform in different learning subjects. Everyone is different in every way. Not one person is the same so that makes them unique and different from everyone else. Intelligence has been explained in various ways. It is used to understand things in the world or a man’s environment. In a classroom, a teacher will come across very bright, intelligent, and creative students as well as students who are very average or dull or even very dull. The intelligence is synonymous with several other concepts such as talent brilliance, sharpness, clear-sightedness, smartness, reasoning, judiciousness rationality, adeptness, prodigy and man of mark. After an IQ test, they will be able to place a person in the correct place for them to be …show more content…

As said in a famous quote above by Wechsler, intelligence refers to the ability to understand, act, interpret, predict the future, achieve and handle relationships, information, concepts, and abstract symbols. It is a commonly used word to express and show progress beyond the present. It is a process of cognition. “Cognition refers to how we acquire, store, retrieve, and use knowledge” (Matlin, 1996). All the basic processes such as learning, perception, memory, concept formation, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, decision-making, and creativity are related terms to the word intelligence. One’s intelligence is expressed through his or her intellectual activities, which can be measured formally or informally. Informal assessment of one’s intellectual activities can be made from some acts, such as simple puzzle solutions, filling up a gap, answering correctly with short problems, simple numerical abilities, explain a concept, and adaption to a novel situation. It is an abstract concept. It cannot be observed. It can be estimated only through one’s performance on tests or re-life situations. The concept of intelligence has terms like, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, practical intelligence, social intelligence, vocal intelligence, and musical intelligence. There are so many ways to determine what the word intelligence means, but they all come to the same conclusion and

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