The Importance Of Human Rights In Canada

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Someone is a Canadian citizen, but what if they do not know much about Canada as they thought? So here are three important facts about Canada that they should know; Human Rights, pluralistic society, and Canada’s geography and demographic profile.

One important fact is that they have rights, a great deal of them, so next time when they are in trouble remember these rights to back them up. These rights are called the Human Rights, rights for humans and what people are allowed to accomplish. These rights are there to protect them from oppressive rulers. Where and why did these rights come into action? Well, after World War II 46 countries sent representatives to the U.S. to establish an international organization devoted to peace. For the first …show more content…

The ideas for human rights was required to be universal, all the countries should be able to adopt them even with their different beliefs, religions, and cultures. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted on December 10, 1948. Universal Declaration of Human Rights reflects worldwide beliefs regarding rights for humans. No one can take these human rights from them, they all apply not just a few (To see the list of Human Rights click here). Why are The Human Rights important? They are important in that if they feel they are being disgraced and its wrong, then they should know their rights so they can use it against the person wronging them.

Another important fact is that we are all different with different beliefs, we should respect that of each other. Canada is a massive country, but the government did not pay attention to all of it. Such as the western side of Canada versus the eastern side. Most of the attention goes to Ontario and Quebec. Our prime ministers usually come from these areas. There are more job opportunities on the eastern side of Canada. …show more content…

What kind of Canadian would they be if they did not know the area in their own country? That is why Canada’s physical profile is important to know. If they want to climb a gigantic mountain but do not want to leave Canada then go to Mt. Logan in the Yukon Territory, it is 5,595 meters high. Some people are clueless to the fact that we actually have the longest coastline in the world, it is 202,080 kilometers long. That is about three times as long as the second longest coastline in the world. Since Canada is up north it is only normal that in most places it is usually cold. So it only makes sense that seventy-five percent of Canadians live within sixty kilometers of the Canada to United States of America border. However there are very few people living in the northern part of Canada. Eastern Canada is extremely populated. Canada is the most urbanized country in the developed world, eighty-one percent of Canadians live in urban areas. Although only one percent of Canada’s land is covered by cities. Our country is growing every year by approximately one percent, with ten births per one thousand people, and eight deaths per one thousand people. Women tend to live longer than men with a life expectancy of approximately eighty-four and seventy-nine, respectively. Canada is multicultural, meaning Canada is a home for people of different ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds. Canada is considered a

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