What Were The Effects Of The Dancing Plague In 1418

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What influenced the townspeople to join in the dancing during the time of the Dancing Plague? The Dancing Plague was a recurring event that took place across Europe, roughly from 1418 to 1518. The first major sighting of this strange dancing was in June of 1418, it was called the St. Johns dance. The Plague got its name from the celebration of St. John's baptism, which occurred in June. During this particular plague only a handful of deaths occurred, it was not many compared to the deaths of the St. Vitus plague in 1518. Although it was not common for someone to die during the St. Johns plague, it still occurred. Luckily, most of the townspeople who were forced to dance did not have any major lasting effects. That included their minds and bodies. …show more content…

The worst part of the St. Johns dancing plague in 1418 were the deaths, mainly caused by over exhaustion. Regardless of those facts, most of the dancers were not negatively affected. Because of that, it allowed for many peaceful gatherings to take place during that time. The religious leaders of the town arranged large gatherings, for the affected townspeople to dance freely. They hired professional musicians to play music the dancers could dance too. They also hired professional dancers to lead the townspeople that were affected by the plague. The religious leaders also believed that in order to stop the dancing, they would have to “dance it out of them.” Meaning the townspeople should continue to dance more and more until it goes away. In September of 1518, another major outbreak of the dancing plague occurred. It was called the St. Vitus plague, named after St. Vitus who the townspeople believed to be a catholic saint. The St.Vitus plague started with one person, a woman named Frau Troffea. “In Strasbourg, France, a woman named Frau Troffea started dancing in the street without an …show more content…

The dancers had to jump over the obstacles to get to where they wanted to go. It caused them to lose their energy and collapse without going any further. This was not always the perfect solution, and it did not work most of the time. As more people joined with the dancing townspeople, there were less people to put out barriers and more people died. When a person, or multiple people, falls dead while dancing, the surrounding people join hands in a circle and dance around the body. They continued to dance while they screamed for someone who was unaffected to help them. The townspeople believed that St. Vitus was the leading cause of their tortured dancing. They believed that he had cursed them for their sins and made them dance. Because of this, they thought he would be the solution to their dancing. After the dancing had continued for 2 months without stopping, the town officials knew they had to do something. They came together in a meeting and came up with a great idea to fix the non-stop dancing. Their idea was to take the dancers to a mountain top shrine, where they could pray to St. Vitus. Here they would repent for their

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