Norman F. Cantor, In The Wake Of The Plague, The Black Death And The World It Made.

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Norman F. Cantor is a qualified historian who studies the Middle Ages. He has written many books regarding the Middle Ages. In his extremely detailed book, In the Wake of the Plaque, he writes about what he calls “the greatest biomedical disaster in European and possibly world history.” (Cantor, Wake p. 6) His book is divided into three parts. The first part tells about the biomedical effects and symptoms of the plague, the second part analyzes the effects it had on all the people, cultures, societies, and institutions in Europe, and in the last part of the book it covers the aftermath and the history of the plague. The Black Death also had a huge impact on art and literature. According to Cantor the rhyme Ring Around the Rosie was based on the bubonic plague and the flu like symptoms. To repress the memory of the plague the children would dance around and sing this rhyme. (Cantor, Wake p.5)
He describes how the loss of lives affected the people who survived. He also goes into detail about the Jewish conspiracy and how the Jews were to blame for all this. He illustrated about how the Black Death affected many families, cultures, societies, and institutions during the thirteenth century. (Cantor, Wake p. 10) He made remarkable parallels throughout the book between BSE and HIV/AIDS.
The author begins the book by talking about the biomedical crisis, later known as The Black Death, or bubonic plague, that attacked Europe during the fourteenth century. Cantor later tells about how the people came in contact with the plague and the symptoms that later occurred. The people who had been affected by the plague would first experience flu like symptoms, which usually included a high fever, in the second stage they would get buboes, which...

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...that people had concerning the plague.

Works Cited

"Minnesota Department of Health." Plague Fact Sheet., 16 Nov. 2010. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Halsall, Paul. "Internet History Sourcebooks Project." Internet
History Sourcebooks Project. Fordham University, July
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Twiggs, Graham. "Forthcoming Publication : Bubonic Plague: A Much Misunderstood Disease by Graham Twigg." The Black Death Revisited. N.p., 29 Dec. 2012. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.

Damen. "1320: Section 6: The Black Death." 1320: Section 6: The Black Death. N.p., 2013. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.

"The Black Death and Its Aftermath." The Black Death and Its Aftermath. Cranleigh Decorative and Fine Arts Society, n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.

Cohn, Samuel K. "Epidemiology of the Black Death and Successive Waves of Plague." Http:// NCBI, 2008. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.

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