The Importance Of Human Resource Management In Small Firm

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Introduction Human resources management (HRM) is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. (Dessler, 2015). Management process functions are planning, organizing, staffing,leading,controlling but in HRM the focus is on staffing. Determining what typle of people you should hire; recruiting prospective employees; selecting employees; training and developing employees; setting performance standards;evaluating performance;counseling employees;compensating employees. (Dessler, 2015) All businesses require resources to execute their business operations plan. Employees are of key importance for a business one need to develop them to support theirs business goals. Hence, …show more content…

Human resources in small firms or businesses is essential because it helps with efficiency, morale, costs, and the ongoing continuity of your business practices. (smallbusinesshub, 2014) There are many different reasons why it is so important. The importance including budget control to ensure that staffing costs, training costs, and other HR related costs are kept to a satisfactory amount is essential for the ongoing success of any small business. (smallbusinesshub, 2014) Effective Hiring Practices as a good hire is one whose skills, knowledge and abilities match well with the requirements of the job and the culture of the small business. With HR the company can measure the morale of the firms practices this will help you to see if changes need to be made to increase morale. In order to satisfied employees satisfaction because disgruntled (unsatisfied) workforce is not good for your company, and could end up being more costly than any other problems you are

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