The Importance Of Gender Diversity In Nursing

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Inclusion for transgender patients across all sectors of healthcare is critical to nursing because “[r]especting and caring for patients is at the very core of what the nursing profession stands for” (Cicero & Black, 2016, p. 28). The RNAO (2007) is “committed to speaking out against discrimination and social exclusion based on sexual orientation and gender identity” (p. 3). By having “an opportunity to be leaders in advocating for gender diversity” (p. 116), nurses are not only in a pivotal position to change transgender patients’ healthcare experiences, but they also have the influence to educate society as well as healthcare providers who lack knowledge and awareness on transgender health (Merryfeather & Bruce, 2014). However, if nurses fail to be educated about transgender inclusivity, “they will be unable to provide competent, compassionate, and ethical care” (p. 111) to transgender patients, and potentially cause unintended harm (Merryfeather & Bruce, 2014). Nursing education emphasizes on the importance of developing therapeutic nurse-client relationships to understand the perspective and needs of patients. However, it often fails “to adequately recognize the implications that gender identities have for comprehensive and appropriate healthcare delivery” (Kellett & Fitton, 2017, p. 1). The therapeutic relationship cannot be established if there is discrimination from nurses due to their lack of awareness and empathy, as well as the stigma surrounding the transgender population. …show more content…


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