The Importance Of Foreign Policy

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Foreign policy- when a country discusses negotiations with other nations, in hopes of achieving a goal or maintaining national interests ( Over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, The United States of America has worked its way up to becoming a global superpower. Being the decider of wars and having the largest economy in the world, the immense power of the US has served as the pinnacle of the western world, believing in its mission, as noted by former president Woodrow Wilson, “ to make the world safe for democracy.” Our country has been able to do this for years using the foreign policy, which has given us some allies and many, many enemies along the way, mainly those that are communist nations led by a military dictatorship. This has brought us into some conflicts in places such as the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Southeast Asia, where most corrupt leaders and terrorists are, who are against the principles of giving the power to the people. But our continuous intervention in other countries has increased more tension and has not helped our weakening economy, and some are questioning whether the US should keep its role as the “global police” (Messerli). Many say we should relinquish this role, but if not us, then who? Sure, there are countries such as Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, China, and Japan, or organizations such as the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), but they are not powerful enough to have the same influence that the US has (Messerli). In my opinion, I believed that the proposed League of Nations by President Wilson after World War I would have worked, if the US did not decline to enter and went into its state of isolationism for several years. The ...

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...e out there that believe that the US should remain as the global police. They think that possible replacements are not powerful enough to take over the role that the US currently plays (Messerli). Organizations, such as the United Nations, can’t be an be an effective global policeman because countries don’t offer enough help or aid needed for military action (Reed). This claim has been supported with its inability to stop the genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda (Boot). Though The UN should not be a reliable replacement, the US can no longer afford nor have sole responsibility to take this role. Like I proposed in the introduction, a new version of the League of Nations should be formed, three of the major organizations influence will stretch across the world, and America’s role in foreign policy will be lessened.
Another reason why some people believe

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