The Importance Of Field Trips

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School, one of the “dreadful” places children can be. Now School is mandatory until college level and there really isn't a way around the, so called prison we learn in every single day for 180 days year round. But, the Field trip is the one thing a child such as myself can hope for inside of a school year. Field trips are expensive, but they give students a chance to learn on their own and attain knowledge from other areas besides school, these kids are like sponges and will retain anything from sessions on germs, physics, chemistry, and all the junk food and water their little bodies can take. Field Trips are important to school, because it can be considered an “off” day for those teachers who don't end up going, and a fun day for all the …show more content…

Student input on Lunches, Programs, Field Trips, and after school activities like Sports, or Marching Bands can help broaden the view of what these children might end up deciding to do. When it’s time to spend money on certain items inside a district or school, some students such as Jake Howland, a student who attends John W. Finney High School, says that “officials don’t usually ask what students think, because they don’t want to hear about the problems.”, this can be viewed as a problem in certain areas because sometimes student reference can take academics from boring to learning really quick. And these children are sometimes too busy to realize what they were doing in a Museum, or Tech Facility was learning all …show more content…

Now, I understand that fundage can become a problem in certain districts, but that shouldn’t stop large areas from cutting field trips, and academic societies from their system. As well as excitement on going on trips to certain places that can be considered academic, it should be offered as a reward for the students hard effort, time, and complexness on their learning. I’ve been to countless field trips and being engaged inside one can give a single student the “spark” they’ll need to create the rest of their life before them. Fundage can be dealt with though. You can start multiple fundraisers beforehand, or if the trip may be on the costly side you can ask for down payments by a certain time, and nowadays I don’t know a single parent on this planet who wouldn’t want to give their child a good time. But then again in multiple accounts by myself and other students i’ve seen the same building/region on the different field trips, and having diversity is a school accomplishment, so why can’t they do it on field trips. Well for one Teachers care about the curriculum they teach and would much rather create and environment that can be considered inside their comfort zone. But that shouldn’t be the case, on many accounts i’ve seen the California Science Center more than 8 times, and every year it’s just about the same exhibit. Diversity is key to

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