The Importance Of Exposure To Community Violence

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When you corrupt the minds of a youth, you destroy their future. As many as three-fourths of children and teens living in high-crime urban areas come into contact with violent acts (Bolling, 2014). Exposure to community violence can negatively affect psychological development and create a stressful environment at home and school. This then can lead to corrupt minds of the youth which could leave them dead or in jail. Family or neighborhood support where the children know they have someone to turn to for advice or a safe haven, helps decrease the amount of violence children come into contact with. A recreational center is a safe place that allows children to have fun and stay off the streets. Without this kind of community support network and safe spaces children can go to, families and children can otherwise be easily overwhelmed by the numerous challenges they face every day. The key to lowering the number of child deaths and reducing the amount of violence they see, is to help them while they are at a young age. The idea is to create several nonprofit recreational organizations in neighborhoods that have widespread violence and make them available for underprivileged children. Parents also play a huge part in the development of the children, therefore, classes would be offered to help with parenting skills to assist in their child’s journey to a better life.
According to Orue et al. (2011), Psychology and Psychiatry journal, the more violence children are exposed to, the more they think that it is normal and will more likely engage in aggression against others. The majority of violence they are exposed to is broken down into three types. Exposure to media violence, community violence, and violence in the home. The ...

... middle of paper ... violence and abuse, negatively effects the economy and should otherwise be invested into building centers that will push our youth forward to a successful future. Just like in Los Angeles, for every dollar invested in their programs, they saves $2.50 in crime-related costs. A child’s journey through life should be filled with memories of having fun, not memories of experiencing violent acts. “Matt Gonzalez stated that, “I think that when we're talking about youth violence, we're talking about kids who don't have opportunities, so they're engaged in a certain degree of lawlessness, because we as a society have failed them.”(2014). Failing should not be an option for our youth, instead, we as society should provide children with an opportunities to escape violence thereby giving them a chance. Build more recreational centers as a part of the journey to save a life!

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