The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Nursing

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Emotional Intelligence and Reflective Practice are integral components of building a Therapeutic Relationship in Nursing According to Mayor and Salovey,2000 stated that emotional intelligence is defined as “the ability of an individual to perceive, access and manage emotions of his own self and of other people, and the ability to monitor one’s own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions”. Emotional intelligence has four main component and these are the ability to perceive emotions, utilizing these emotional perceptions to accomplish a various activities or tasks, understanding the emotional variations and managing those emotions to achieve those goals. (Salovey and Mayer, 2000). These four components are needed to for the nurse become a professional nurse. Reflective practice is defined as a way of understanding our own experiences to improve the way of our work. Last one is therapeutic relationship is referred to as a relationship between a healthcare professional and a client relationship by using the nursing knowledge and the skills nurses can apply that knowledge and skills in caring people. It contributes to the client’s health and well- being (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2006). To begin with, self awareness is defined as knowledge and understanding of our own self character. Self awareness is achieved by establishing trust with relationship which allows the client to express their feelings so that the situation is less threatening to the client’s and the client is able to understand the situation very well (Crisp and Taylor, 2013). Self awareness is important to an individual’s health to confirm an identity for the client. Nurses c... ... middle of paper ... ... pp.2. Bulman, C and Schutz, S. (2004). Reflective Practice in Nursing. Australia: Blackwell (3 ed). pp.29. College of Nurses of Ontario. (2013). Therapeutic Nurse Client Relationship. Toronto. Retrieved March 18, 2014. Crisp, J and Taylor, C. (2013). The Fundamentals of Nursing Practice. Australia: Mosby (4th Ed). p.486. practice/ clinical zone/ educators/ good communication help to build a therapeutic relationship/ 5003004 article. Retrieved April 1, 2014. Mayer,J.D, Caruso, D and Salovey, P. (2000). Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligence. Retrieved March 26, 2014. From http:// journal nursing/ 202 emotional intelligence in the nursing profession.html. Parbury,S.J.(2013). Patient and Person: Interpersonal skills in nursing. Australia: Libby Houston. (4th Ed). pp. 54.

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