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Essay on electronic waste management
Effects of oil drilling on the environment
Essay on electronic waste management
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E-waste also known as electronic waste describes discarded electronic devices. There are various ways of managing e waste. E waste poses a lot of danger to the environment. E-Waste accounts for 40 percent of the lead and 75 percent of the heavy metals found in land fills, this may lead to the water being contaminated
One of the ways it can be managed is by reducing ones e waste through proper maintenance and smart procurement. If well taken care of any quality electronic device can last years. However if not properly maintained or if one buys a poor quality device then it will need replacing very quickly. It is essential to buy quality even if the initial cost is high it will last a very long time and also cost less in terms of regular maintenance and also have the added bonus of protecting the environment.
The second way is by still reusing or making use of functioning electronic devices by donating them or selling them to someone who can still use it. In this age of great technological advances new technology can become obsolete very quickly. A lot of people that own electronic devices always find that a new make or model has been introduced in the market and is much better than the one they currently possess. This motivates them to get rid of what they have and purchase the new model. Now there are of course some other people who could greatly benefit from whatever device you are deciding to discard. You can also recover some of that money that you spent buying it by selling it to someone else.
The third way of managing e waste is through recycling those products that you don’t use or cannot be repaired. Recycling involves disassembling the product and components such as metals, plastics and glass are recovered and used to...
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... organisms living in the water. The pollution may also affect biogeochemical cycles such as the oxygen, carbon and hydrological cycle.
The environmental advantages will be that from the revenue obtained from the oil deposits the county and country will have the fiscal resources to fund new renewable forms of energy, such as geothermal energy or improve on existing energy sources. This could lead to reduction in fossil fuel use and in time benefit the environment.
Another benefit of exploration of oil is that oil drilling can lead to the reduction of hydrocarbon seepage rate. This is because it reduces subsurface reservoir pressure. This may lead to the reduction of global natural methane emission rate. These hydrocarbons are a source of pollution in the environment so reducing the seepage will serve to benefit the environment. Methane gas causes climate change
Even though electronic waste contributes one percent of waste as discussed earlier, it poses a significant threat to the environment. “RCRA does not, however, cover electronic waste except CRTs, nor does it regulate electronic devices donated for educational or charitable reuse.” The RCRA should implement rules to govern e-waste because e-waste not only affects lives in the United States, It affects everyone globally. E-waste typically finds its ways out of the United States and ends up in developing countries like
I actually disagree with drilling. We have to look at the bigger picture and think about the long term goals. Bottom line oil is needed to reduce energy prices and U. S. dependence on foreign oil however at what cost. We have to protect the environment and the animal’s writhing in it.
Pollution is causing the destruction of environments and habits resulting in many adverse affects. The types of environments that are heavily damaged by pollution is normally freshwater ones. Polluting factors such as untreated sewage, mining waste, acid rain, fertilizers and pesticides
In conclusion to this investigation one thing is clear and that is that recycling reeks benefits to the environment, Recycling material when compared to making material from raw material is a more efficient energy saving and more environmentally friendly way to reuse material that is usually consider as trash such as empty glass, and plastic bottles, or old newspapers. Recycling helps reduce the possible carbon emissions greatly and does reduce the human carbon footprint. But Recycling doesn’t resolve the pollution that is around the world today. Leading to new questions, questions like what about the landfills are they sustainable, and if so for how long. How long until the air becomes unbreathable? How long until Earth becomes its own furnace?
The major problem that the production and use of oil have the environmental is it continuous release of carbon dioxide into the environment. Through the combustion of fossil fuel, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. This, in turn, causes drastic effects to the climate, known as climate change. Climate change causes severe weather and droughts. Hurricane can increase in intensity and flooding can become a major issue. Global warming also happens, which causes more heat, smaller ice caps, and the shutting down of the global ocean conveyor belt. The global ocean conveyor belt is what keeps Europe warm and Antarctica cold. If the global ocean conveyor belt stop working, it can cause an ice age. This can possibly cause the next mass extinction.
The drilling will destroy the fragile habitat which supports many endangered species. We all have an interest in this issue. While the oil the industry extracts is used to power the things we need in our everyday lives, it also pollutes the Earth and ads to global warming. The company says that drilling in this wildlife reserves is the only solution to oil shortages claiming: "the easy pockets around the world have already gone." They claim we are running short of oil and this is the only answer.
that help advancement throughout the complete hardware store network can lessen electronic waste contamination. Besides transfer or reusing of hardware can have noteworthy human well-being and environment sways. Gadgets can hold lead, brominated fire retardants, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and an extensive variety of different metals and concoction mixes. In...
Electronic waste, or any waste for that matter is an inevitable part of an economic system where the destruction of an ecosystem is the primarily source of resources that are used to create the product. The waste that occurs from this process has to be disposed of in some way and more often than not, it is disposed of carelessly with out consideration to the affect it would have on the environment or the very people that create and let capitalism live on, “The political economy approach also defers progress on environmental issues to a pint after economic ones are solved” (Robbins et al. 2010, 114). And if this continues there may be no place left for the excess waste created by capitalism.
For most of America, recycling has become a way of life. For some, it is a valiant effort to take charge of our waste and do what is right for the environment and for future generations. For others, it is a forced mentality by government agencies or private businesses who attempt to prove their value by self-promoting their commitment to environmental responsibility. Recycling, in theory, is a positive effort; however, massive recycling programs are not the answer. Recycling programs in general lack an intelligent way to a means, since the costs and environmental burden may outweigh the desired result. Recyclers should only focus on materials that they can process in a cost effective way, and consumers should focus
Transportation is a big issue with pollution. Vehicles create smog, catalysts for ozone, and components for acid rain. Smog contains a chemical called ozone. Ozone can seriously affect a human’s health. It reacts with the molecules in the lining of our airways. This then causes inflammation. Acid rain has many ecological effects, but none is as bad as its impact on lakes, streams, wetlands and other bodies of water. Acid rain makes waters acidic, which causes them to absorb the aluminium that goes from soil into water. When bodies of water become more acidic, the numbers and species of fish and other organisms living in the water begin to decrease. There are many examples of water pollution. Raw sewage running into water, industrial waste spills, and exhaust fumes from vehicles. A big problem with raw sewage is that Bacteria use up oxygen in the water, as they decompose the organic material in the water. The lack of oxygen kills animals and other organisms that live in the water. Many harmful chemicals are in industrial waste. These can become drinking water pollutants if not well managed. Car exhaust creates a wide range of gases and solid matter. This causes global warming, acid rain, and it harms the environment and human health. Engine noise and oil spills also cause pollution. Since most oils float, the marine creatures most affected by oil spills are animals like sea otters, and seabirds that are found on the shore or in
Recycling is such a fantastic way for us to reuse the waste we once throw. Yet, not everything is easy to be done in this world. There many difficulties that face recycling process economically and socially. Usually In order to recycle, waste paper needs to be sorted and treated from any Impurities. Which means that companies will loss finance because there must be someone or something that could sort or treat these papers. Another problem is that to start recycling, companies needs a lot of good recyclable supply to pick it up; after all, they need good economic benefits (Problems with Recycling, 2014). According to the Waste and Resources Action Program, there are some barriers p...
Oroian, Viman Oana I. "Damaging Effects of Overall Water Pollution." BioFlux (2010): 113-15. Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
Recycling is important in the effort to preserve our environment for future generations. We are running out of locations to put landfills. Recycling is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of waste stored in landfills, yet many people do not know how easy it can be. For example, whenever I go to Shoprite® and I b...
The future for these products is also quite often over looked. The components are not made to be detachable, so the different materials cannot be recycled correctly or recycled at all, which leads to landfills and pollution. Every material, from wood to steel to carbon fibre has an environmental story behind it and these can all be reused, however there is quite often not enough thought into this design aspect. These components are not labelled correctly for recycling and the result is a scarred landscape. However recycling these days has now turned into a way of life for us. Bins are now everywhere marked with the unmistakeable ‘three-green-arrow’ (another remarkable graphic design – now playing a huge role in the way we live), which lets members of the public kn...
Water pollution is also a major thing in the world because almost 60% of it is fishes. It occurs due to several factors; the industrial waste dumped into the rivers and other water body’s cause am imbalance in the water leading to its severe contamination and deaths. And the infamous Global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases particularly CO2 is leading to global warming.