The Importance Of Dank Memes

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Before I continue with this essay please note that if you share this essay with any individual not only will they be quite confused to why you have an essay on dank memes and what they are, but the author will be very embarrassed and will regret ever writing this essay for the reader (singular), Kaleb. Any quotation was not written by the author, but rather is a quotation or quote from another source. Thank you and please enjoy this essay that has been a waste of my time, but will inform the uninformed and possibly ruin your life (probably not). Enjoy!

The purpose of this essay is not for the author to show how much of an edgy memer they are with all their dank memes, but rather to answer the age old question, “what is a dank meme?” The word …show more content…

By the time you are reading this I will be cringing at the thought of this essay. Not much to say here, but how embarrassing this is this for the person writing this essay. This isn’t a good paragraph, but I don’t care. With dank memes, there are also edgy memes that are dark or “gothic,” as one website put it. Just think of the word acoustic when you hear edgy memes. Spicy memes are also memes. They can be considered ironic, but you can also describe memes that are funny and “in good taste.” Dead memes are dead and should never be referenced. This is also a short paragraph, unless the others are just long. Some memes of high quality include doggos, or dog. Spongebob has also been a source of some memes. You have probably seen some, if not just do a quick google search and you will come across an abundance. This may not bother you, but talking about another concept in this paragraph will. Though, I’m going to do it anyway. While you and Akshitha talk about Riverdale, I think about shows I watch that may not be appealing to you. I will mention two shows. One of the two being People of Earth. This show involves a support group of people who have been abducted by aliens and who call themselves “experiencers” and meet in the basement of a church. I would also like to mention that reptilians live among people, but have disguises so humans are oblivious. The second show is Rick and Morty. If you are interested you can look it up, but I have a …show more content…

So, I decided to leave you instructions on how to Texas Hold’em Poker, the mostly commonly played poker in casinos. You don’t have to bet money, but using “points” can make the game more interesting since this type of poker can be boring without betting. I will try to summarize the instructions the best I can.

Each player receives two cards that are faced down and five are dealt in the middle also faced down. You only want your eyes on your cards. You begin with a round of betting. Checking, betting, or folding can be done. Checking is essentially passing (not placing a bet or dropping out), betting is when you place a bet (a bet placed after another must match or be greater than the previous bet), folding is forfeiting. Three cards are flipped over (called the flop). There is another round of betting and then another card is flipped over (called the turn). After there is another round of betting, the final card is flipped over (called the river) then there is the final round of betting. You then reveal your cards and show your best possible poker hand. Poker hand rankings are as followed:
1. Royal

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