The Importance Of Cancer In High School

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Sweat rolling down my face, fog expanding from the pavement, a crowd of ten-thousand people all dressed in pink completely noiseless, and a team full of boys with cancer connections that are willing to donate a full game to one person. Cancer was something that my hometown has, and always will take very seriously. The pint-size town of Lowell, my home town, has been raising millions of dollars toward cancer research and development, and even a home in our town for the patients to go to and receive completely free treatment for none years running. Every year the athletes and band members help around town in any way that we can for blood drives, parades, and free picnics that are sponsored by our local businesses. My graduating class has grown up with this mindset that …show more content…

The gravity of our role was not fully comprehended until the famous “Pink Arrow Game” where all the players choose someone close to them who has been affected by cancer and put their name on their jersey and play a game in their honor. That was the point in my life where I looked at my closest friends standing next to me and realized the connection that we would always have with one another from that day forward. It was the beginning of my junior year in high school, it was the second football game of the season, and it was the first home game that all of my junior class was playing in our home stadium. This was all before the game, my uncle and godfather, a cancer survivor, a father to three wonderful kids, and the strongest man I know stands by my side as the announcer begins his introduction of the players and their honorees. I looked down the line, the entire

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